Octopus Fucker & Weird-Ass Bird

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"You leaving early, Katsuki?" Soy sauce face asked, watching the him getting up. "Not because of us, right?"

Bakugou would have loved to tell them all that he was in fact leaving early because of them, watch their faces fall, and kill their annoying overly cheery mood, but he remembered Kirishima's stupid puppy face.

"I just have something to do." For Kirishima's sake. He didn't want to kill that ugly, stupid smile.

"See you later, Katsuki!" Ashido's annoying, high-pitched voice sounded, receiving only a 'tch' in return from the blond.

He stomped down the hall; he wasn't currently super angry, but his tolerance level was definitely slowly depleting. If Aizawa didn't agree to what Bakugou was going to ask, the blond knew that his tolerence meter would be smashed into pieces, earning the outburst of the century. If Aizawa was smart, he would abide by Bakugou's request.

"Bakugou, there you are! Thought I lost you for good!" Dammit. Fucking Midnight again.

The blond teen didn't even bother to reply as he hastily shuffled past her, hands stuffed in his pocked, one fist wrapped around that shitty list; he wouldn't put it past the crazed teacher to try and snatch it from his pocket to read over 'what she missed' again. And Bakugou did not want the snoopy hag to see the note he had written for Kirishima or Sero.

"So did I miss anyone?" Midnight questioned, walking at a stroll besides Bakugou, hands resting behind her head. "Lemme see the list."

There it fucking was. How did Bakugou know?


"Aww, but I loved reading those little notes you wrote next to each crossed off names!" She whined, annoying the ever loving shit out of the blond.

"Fuck, no."

He jammed his hand into the door of Aizawa's classroom and slammed it open. The Raven-haired teacher didn't even look up, as if he had been expecting the visitor. His even-tempered behavior made Bakugou's blood boil to record-breaking temperatures.

"What is it, Bakugou?"

The blonde grimaced and shot a firely look at Midnight, silently telling her to get the fuck out. She only smiled and cocked her head innocently. Bakugou released a growl from deep within his throat. He figuring that no amount of arguing would be enough to get her to fucking listen and leave, she probably didn't want to miss out on this 'juicy development'. What a fucking stubborn hag...At least Present Mic wasn't there too.

"Aizawa," He addressed with a snarl, not even bothering to add 'sensei' to the end of his name, and trying his best to ignore Midnight, who was rolling on her heels only a foot away from him. "I want you to take Deku off this stupid list." He pulled the crumpled paper and held it up for the teacher to get an eyeful of.

Neither of the teachers looked even the slightest bit surprised by his request. Aizawa only sighed and responded with a, "I took off Mineta for you already, I'm not letting you get off easy by removing Midoriya too."

"Then fucking trade them! I will gladly take the grape fucker over Deku!"

Aizawa stared at him, a nettled frown on his face. Midnight giggled. "You really have a low tolerance for Midoriya."


Aizawa's ugly frown did a 180 and turned into a sadistic, toothy grin. "All the better reason to leave him on the list."


"Well, it is a punishment after all!" Midnight exclaimed, placing a hand baring bright red nail polish on Bakugou's shoulder. The blond swat it away. She only smiled deeper. "Can't just take away your biggest obstacle!"

Bakugou's Hug Dilemma (My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now