Sugar Fuck Part 2: Assault

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After that whole ordeal with Hagakure, Bakugou felt, to say the least, productive as fuck.

He had gotten Todoroki and her both crossed off his list in under an hour, leaving the blond with only three more people to go and plenty of time on his hands. For once he was feeling like he could tackle this punishment with no problem...of course, there was still Deku to deal with, but Bakugou chose to ignore that detail (for now) and remain proud of how fucking good he had done.

He felt so ahead of schedule, that when Kaminari came bustling up to him as he stalked down the hall, asking Bakugou to join him and Kirishima for watermelon in the common area, Bakugou seriously considered it.

"It was crazy!" Kaminari gabbled, "Me and Kirishima were walking back from the arcade -you totally should have come, it was great- and this random old lady just gave us the thing! She said something like 'you boys look like you deserve a watermelon' and just plopped the thing into Kirishima's arms!"

Bakugou ignored his meaningless, excited jabbering, and considered his options. He could continue his punishment, ensuring that he had enough time to complete it before the day was done, or he could go enjoy some delicious as fuck watermelon. It was pretty fucking tempting, especially since Bakugou hadn't had dinner.

"Isn't that weird?" he laughed. "Do I look like I deserve a watermelon? Katsuki? Do I look like I-"

"I heard you the first time." He snapped back. "And yeah, I guess I'll come eat some shitty watermelon with you losers."

He happened to like watermelon, was that a damn crime? The rest of the names on the list could wait. Hell, Bakugou had just given Half-And-Half an earful for not taking care of himself, who was he to go be a shitty hypocrite and not do the same? Like stated earlier, he hadn't eaten any dinner.

"Yeah, man!" Kaminari exclaimed, stupid shit-eating grin as always. "Let's go before that shark eats it all himself!"

He bounded down the hall, a spring in his step. God, that boy was way too damn energetic. Maybe his quirk worked like a charger, fueling Kaminari's insane amounts of energy.

"I said," that dunce face called over his shoulder, waiting at the end of the hall, "let's go before Kiri eats all the watermelon! Pick up your feet, sloth!"

Bakugou's fingers twitched. That idiot was really pushing his luck, trying to rile him up. "You want me to pick up my feet?" He growled. "Oh, I'll PICK UP MY FEET, DUNCE FACE!"

The girlish scream Kaminari let out as Bakugou charged at him was almost enough to stop the blond in his tracks and cause him to break into fits of mocking laughter. What was this guy? An electric mouse?

"KATSUKI, NOOO!" He mocked anguish as Bakugou slammed into him, shoving the two of them into the elevator. "Yer a nuisance."

"Looks who's damn talking." Bakugou replied, stabbing his finger into the button on the elevator that would take the pair to the common room.

When they reached their destination, Kaminari marched, leading the way to the rumored watermelon. When Bakugou turned the corner and laid eyes upon the scene before him, he regretting ever following that shitty dunce face.

"What the fuck?" He let out as his eyes fell upon Sato, that stubborn Sugar FUCK, sitting at the table, a slice of watermelon clamped in his hands. "Why the fuck is he here?"

"What do you mean?" Kaminari cocked his head. "He wanted some watermelon too...Sharing is carin-"

"SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH, ASS CRACK!" Bakugou exploded. They knew. They fucking knew about that shit went down between the blond and the sugar-loving shit today. They knew that the two of them weren't on good terms. This was all some sort of fucked up plan of theirs. "I'm fucking leaving."

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