Ponytail Girl

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Bakugou raced towards the elevator, mind soaring at a million miles per hour.

That fucking Deku.

How absolutely fucking naïve Bakugou had been to assume that he was so ahead of schedule that he could take a watermelon break. He should have fucking knew that the universe hated him on that unfortunate day and some bullshit like Deku going to sleep early would happen.

Why'd that green little, cowlick-headed, wimpy-faced, DUMBASS have to choose the day Bakugou just happened to be assigned a shitty punishment to go to sleep so fucking early?! It wasn't like they had any hero training that day, so there was no reason for that shit-nerd to be tired already! (Unless he fucking stayed up 72 hours like that Todoroki bitch, but Bakugou highly doubted that)

He slammed his fist into a button on the elevator and waited impatiently, aggressively tapping (stomping) his foot as the elevator took its sweet time to arrive.

When it finally opened, Bakugou jumped inside so fast, in such a frenzy to get to Deku, he knocked the person already inside flat over, sending them both violently crashing over onto the hard floor of the elevator.

"Fuck." Bakugou hissed through his teeth as he let his eyes slide over the person now laying under Bakugou, who held himself up by his hands to avoid completely crushing them with his weight.

Of course, it just had to be ponytail girl, the only other person left on his list besides Deku. It seemed just happening to run into the people Bakugou still had on his list was a common trend today. Bakugou wasn't sure if it was lucky, or hideously unlucky, because he didn't have to time to waste on hugging her right now. His priority was still Deku. Who knows? That nerd might be a heavy sleeper. That shit could even sleep with earplugs on for all the blond knew. He would have to bust down the door and pounce on Deku's peacefully sleeping form, strangling a hug out of him. Then, without a doubt, Aizawa would in turn strangle him afterword's.

Since getting Aizawa pissed off again was not on Bakugou's agenda, he would just have to get off of Ponytail girl, mutter some kind of half-assed apology, and return to her later, after he was done with Deku, to get his hug from her. He doubted she would be going to bed early since he had witnessed her reading late into the night many times before, a night owl.

And yeah, that would have worked perfectly fine for everyone, come back to her later, except...when Bakugou peered down at the girl he was basically pinning to the ground, his shoulder jumped, startled at what he was seeing. Large, slippery tears rolled down her face, dripping onto the floor underneath her.

"What the...fuck? Ponytail-Yaoro-Ponytail girl, are you fucking okay? Did I break your spine or some shit?!" He spluttered, scrambling to get off her. He sat on the elevator floor besides her crying self, who was still laying on the ground where Bakugou had accidently knocked her. His hands hovered, unsure what to do.

He waited for her to reply, but she didn't, only continued to lay there, crying. She let out small hiccups as the tears grew larger. Bakugou's hair stood on end. "The fuck? Do I need to get a teacher? An ambulance? ANSWER ME PONYTAIL, ARE YOU FUCKING OKAY?"

Just when Bakugou was about to dart from the elevator and call to Kaminari, Kirishima, and the rest, who were still in the common area gouging themselves on watermelon, telling them to go get Aizawa because something was really fucking wrong with Ponytail girl, she choked out, "I'm f-fine."

She didn't seem fucking fine! Bakugou's brows dug down, palms cold on the tile bottom of the elevator, trying to decipher exactly what he was witnessing. Her face was all red from the crying fit, which was still fucking going on, tears not giving Bakugou a break, falling from her eyes like someone had left the faucet on. She used her shaky pale hands to push herself into a sitting position much like Bakugou's and hastily rubbed at her irritated eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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