Living a playlist (Niall Horan/One Direction)

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A/N  (Sorry guys I need a starter chapter, but after this all the chapters will be a song except maybe the next one. And sorry if it's a little depressing now it gets better, promise:))

   It's not easy when the only person you care about passes right in front of you. It's not easy letting the life slowly drain out of you for two years. It's not easy to be alone, alone in a big world.

   Well that's what I went through. I remember every last bit, I got the call October 9th, 2010.  I was just having a normal day, eating crisps while watching x-factor when I heard the phone ring. I ignored it, I was busy watching, it was Niall's solo in Viva-la-Vida. His voice was like an angel, it soothed me, sending a weird tingly feeling through my body. The song was beautiful!

    I picked up the phone to vote for them when I saw those eleven digits. My photographic memory told me I recognized them from somewhere. Where though?

   Then it hit me. One year ago. Same day. The hospital called to say my Grandpa had a heart attack.

   The phone fell out of my hands and landed with a thud on the floor. The thoughts exploded through my mind like a volcano. My parents were out shopping. What if something had happened?! No! Something did happen! The hospital doesnt call for no reason!

    I bent down to pick the phone up and slowly typed the numbers in, I was mesmerized.

    "Hello miss," the lady at the hospital said. "I'm calling to tell you that Beth and Rick Anderson were in a car crash." My grip on the phone tightened. "They're okay, but we've brought them in to do some basic scans and make sure."

   My grip loosened and a huge sigh escaped my lips. "T-Thank you," I stuttered into the sweaty phone.

   "No problem. They'll be home shortly."

   "Bye," I said, not thinking of anything better to say.

   I sighed and flopped back down on the couch in front of the telly, but I couldn't focus anymore. I just had a little feeling inside that something was wrong. Turns out it was more than a feeling.

    A couple more minutes passed and I heard the door open. I imeadietly hit the power button on the remote and ran to the front door. It was my dad. I knew something was wrong just looking at his face, then I relized. Where was my mom?

    He couldn't meet my eyes as he said softly, "Get in the car."

    I obeyed what he said and sat down, fastening my seatbelt. I waited till he pulled onto the street and blurted out, "Dad! What happened??"

    He paused before telling me everything. My dad had passed through a couple scans perfectly fine. But my mom was a different story.

    "The accident hadn't caused any issues but from one of the scans they noticed her lungs weren't quite right," he told me staring at the road ahead. I anticipated his every word. "April, your mom has lung cancer," he whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.

    I took in the words and my dropped. Those six words changed my life. I never felt the same after that. My heart felt like a stone, I didn't smile once for days.

    A couple days later I decided to check my you-tube to keep my mind off things. The first x-factor video diary for one direction had just been posted. I think that was the first time I smiled.

    After watching that, One Direction was my life. Whenever the doctors gave me bad news I would watch a video diary. And even as the tears streamed down my face, those boys brought a smile to it.

    The next two years were utterly horrible. Lets just say my mom wasn't a cancer survivor.

     I think it was hardest on my dad, he couldn't take it. He cried every night. And my dad doesn't cry, he just doesn't.

   Eventually he committed suicide, I don't want to explain that or else I'll start crying also. But in the end,  I was at Bradford Orphanage. Yes Bradford, Zayn's town.  I never knew him though, I wish.

    After I saw that face walk in through the door though, everything changed. Everything.

Living a playlist (Niall Horan/One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now