My dream came true, Chasing Cars with you<3

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A/N Okay first of all, I'm terribly sorry for such a late update!! a lots been happening in my life and I haven't been getting much writing time but I'm gonna try my best to update about once a week(: the more comments and votes the more inspired I am to write so thanksto everyone who votes, comments, fans, and reads.

Oh and I love you bee<3333 haha no homo. And you're gonna come in a lot more after this chapter!:D

And I'm also sorry if this chapter sucks because i haven't proof read it. I would, but I'm sick and I have a headache and i just wanna go to bed! So thanks for being patient and thanks to every single person reading this<3 I love you all, here you go hope it's not too bad.

 I don't think there's any better way to wake up than being sweetly kissed on the forehead by a gorgeous nineteen year old guy. But it's even better when he's also a beautiful blue eyed, blonde haired, boy in your favorite worldwide famous boyband, and he also happens to be your boyfriend.
    "Good morning babe," Niall said in his morning voice, which was very attractive..
    "Morning Niall!" I exclaimed smiling and stretching.
    Niall was already dressed in a tanktop that showed off his arms, swim trunks, and a redbulls snapback.
    "Are we going swimming?" I questioned.
    "Oh, yeah our shoot was canceled so Louis wanted to go to his friends beach party. They have a private lake," Niall answered.
    "Cool! When are we leaving?" I asked.
    "Well it starts at 12 but the boys went to I-hop so we're gonna meet them there."
    "Wait why didn't you go?? I know how much you love food!"
    "I wanted to have breakfast with my beautiful girlfriend." He smiled.
    I blushed a little, I loved hearing him say girlfriend.
    "Awh you could have waken me Nialler! What time is it anyway?"
    "Yeah but I kept you up, you needed your sleep. And it's 11:00."
    "Oh, thanks Niall, sorry for sleeping so late."
    "It's no problem! Now come on I made waffles!" He grinned and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the kitchen.
     "Niall we all know you can't cook," I laughed wondering how messy the kitchen would be.
     "Okay fine, I heated them up from the freezer," he admited sheepishly smiling.
     I rolled my eyes and grabbed a plate. I grabbed one of the five waffles Niall heated up and sat down.
     He took three and sat next to me. I put some syrup and strawberries on and so did Niall. He stopped and stared at his plate for a second than got up and walked over to the fridge.
     His eyes scanned the shelves for a second before he grabbed a bottle of whip cream and happily sat back down. He squirted what seemed liek half the bottle on to his plate while grinning hugely. I loved that smiel so much.
    After handing me the bottle he dug in. I laughed and put a little on.
    Once we finished breakfast Niall insisted on cleaning up so I gave him a quick kiss and headed upstairs. His lips tasted sweet and... Waffley haha.
    I pulled upon my drawer in the guest room, which was mostly occupied with Drake's stuff, and grabbed a cute bright pink bikini. One of Harry's girlfriends had left it here and they just kept it. Yeah I was insecure in it, but Niall made me feel a lot more confident so I decided to wear it anyway.
    I put some dark wash shorts and a turquise blue tank top over it. Then I slipped into some cute sandals with matching blue bows and headed downstairs.
    Niall was waiting by the door. "All ready?" he asked before opening the door for me. I nodded and stepped out. We hopped into the car and soon later we got there.
    Once we pulled up in the parking lot Niall scurried around to open the door for me. Seriously could he get any more perfect? No. He couldn't.
     I hopped out and we scanned the lot for the boys. It was a large grass field with at least 200 cars parked already. The house was huge. No scratch that. Mansion.
     "Woah.. Uh Niall?" I questioned
     "Who's party is this?"
     "Ed Sheeran."
      Oh. My. God. My jaw fell open and I just stood there in shock, staring. I was at Ed freakin ginger jesus Sheeran's party.
     Niall chuckled and gently pished my jaw closed.
     "A-a-am I actually gonna m-meet h-him?" I stuttered, suddenly getting nervous. Swimming was now out of the question. I couldn't be seen looking fat in a bikini in front of celeberties. He invited One Direction.. Who else would be there?
    "Of course! Now come on! Lets find the boys!" he exclaimed grabbing my hand.
    I let him pull me aroumd the parking lot, we found Cher Lloyd, Olly Murs, and Little Mix. Niall saved me from being embarresed of my fangirling by doing most of the talking. Anyway, we eventually found the boys sitting under a tree just outside the field.
    "Finally!" I exclaimed before we ran over there.
    "APRIL!!!" Louis screamed, running over and wrapping me in a bear hug. "I heard your dating my little mofo?" He winked.
    I blushed and answered, "Yeah."
    The rest of the boys congratulated me and Niall on our relationship happily but Drake just kinda forced a smile and dully muttered, "Congrats." Was it possible that he was.. Jealous? I decided if he wanted to talk to me about it he would and to just enjoy the party. But little did I know, there was a lot more drama to come.

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