Hey There Delilah

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A/N Hello! Last time I forgot to finish so it just said "hey guys!" and looked really weird. Anyway I was gonna say sorry for the late upload, I was camping than my dad took my lap top/: The chapter name is Louis's audition song if you didn't know(hopefully you did).. it'll make more sense in a few chapters...anyway...Enjoy!:)  And thanks tons for getting me to 500 reads!!!!:D

   "BLEEEP BLEEEP BLEEP!" I rolled over and slammed the alarm clock untill it shut up.

   Yawning, I got up and trudged over to the closet. I pulled out a hot pink tanktop and short denim shorts. I threw them on and slipped on my black converse with pink shoelaces.

   Stretching, I headed down to the kitchen.

   There was Niall, looking cute as usual while stuffing himself with food.

  "Morning! Come eat we're leaving in. Half an hour," Niall said with a mouthfull of food.

  "Niall!! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Liam scolded. I swear if he wasn't a hot 18 year old I'd think he was their dad!

  The rest of the boys had already eaten and were getting dressed.

  I plopped onto a seat next to Niall and ate some lucky charms.

  He finished his breakfast and asked Liam, "Hey, what's the weather?"

  "It's gonna get really hot, so wear a tank top and your swim trunks we're gonna go to the waterpark to cool off," Liam answered.

  "Oh, should I go put my suit on under?" I questioned.

  "If you want, they'll be changing rooms there too. So whatevers fine," he replied before following Niall to get changed. I decided to quickly throw my suit on.

       ****Louis's POV****

   Once we pulled up in our parking space we were immeadietly swarmed by paparazzi and fans. How did they even know we'd be here?? I swear our fans are better than the FBI, it's crazy.

    Once we got into the gates they offered us all free fastpasses, but we decided to just wait in line like normal people.

   I grabbed a map while we walked in and everyone huddled around to look at it.

   I immeadietly pointed out the biggest, scariest looking, coaster and demanded, "Let's do this one first! Pleaaseee!"

   "No way, that looks terrifying! Let's do this one," Harry argued pointing to a smaller wooden coaster.

   "How bout we split up?" Liam suggested.

   Zayn and Liam offered to go with Harry, and Niall just watched April. Eventually she decided to go with me and then he immeadietly said, "I'll go with you two."

   I gave him a look, he obviously likes her. But April just looked confused then shrugged it off.

   "Alright let's meet here in two hours! Sound good?" Liam asked.

   We nodded and headed off. Once we got to the line it was a half hour wait! Niall pulled out his phone and started typing.

   "Whatcha doin?" I questioned.

   "Oh, just on twitter," he answered and went back to typing.

   "Do you have twitter, April?" I asked.

   "No, we only got a half hour on the computer every day at the orphanage."

   "I'll make you one!" Niall offered smiling.

Living a playlist (Niall Horan/One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now