Chapter two (:

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A/N Sorry this sucks it's kinda just another filler chapter the boys come in in the next one! Keep reading Please! Fan, vote, and comment! You guys have no clue how much it means to me!!(:

    I was just lying on my bed strumming out some notes on my accoustic guitar (which i was very lucky to have, orphans dont get a lot of stuff) when I heard the doorbell ring.

   My orphanage had kind of a lobby like room where whenever someone walked in a little bell would ring and we would all get ten minutes before we were "showed".  Our "aunt", we were supposed to call her that she's really just the lady in charge of the orphanage, would walk in and talk about each one of us to the potential parent. It was like we were just a product for sale.

   I finished singing Torn and played the last chord before quickly sliding the guitar under my bed. I brushed my long wavy dark brown hair and examined myself in the mirror. I never really felt pretty, I mean it was like nobody wanted me, I wasn't ever chosen for adoption obviously.

    I have green eyes, freckles, and I'm pretty tall. I'm really skinny because they don't feed us much. All the other ten girls here say I'm beautiful, but they're honestly just really nice. We're all like sisters.

   I smoothed out my old navy blue orphan shirt and went to go sit on my small bunk bed that I shared with my best friend here, Lily. We whispered to each other about wht it would be like to actually be chosen until we heard the door.

  "Creek," the door opened and we were all instantly quiet. He was a middle aged man with a friendly smile and glasses. I thought that I might vaguely recognize him from somewhere but I wasn't quite sure.

    She talked about all the other girls and then stopped on me. "And this is April," she said sighing. "She's 16 years old, been here for a year. She has little education and plays that darn guitar all day."

   She walked away from me and gestured to the other girls while asking, "So are you interested in anyone here?"

   I really hate her, like seriously! Why does she have to hate me so much? I never even get a chance at having a family!

    He scanned the room and then walked back over to me. The closer he got the faster my heart beated. Thoughts raced through my head. Was someone actually going to choose me? Did somebody in this world love me? Would I have a family?

    "I heard you singing from the lobby," he stated with a small smile.

    "Oh," I said softly staring at the floor.

    "No! Your voice us beautiful! What's your name miss?" he asked sitting next to me in a friendly way.

    "T-Thank you," I stuttered. My heart was beating so loud I thought he might hear it! "I'm April."

    "April who?" he questioned.

    "April Anderson," I answered a little bit more confidently.

    "Well April, I would like to have you over for a couple days to get to know you. Would you like that?" he asked kindly.

    I couldn't believe it! A chance at a real family! I managed a nod, still totally shocked. Why me?

    Aunt Miller seemed to be thinking the same question. Her mouth was still hanging a little open as the man asked, "Would that be alright, Ms. Miller?"

   "Uhm, of course sir," she said, still suprised.

   "Why don't you go gather up your stuff, I need to sign some papers," he said and walked back over to the door. Just before leaving he added, "Oh! And bring that guitar!"

   I quickly gathered my belongings, their weren't many. I gave all the girls a hug and then turned to Lily. She was happy for me, yet I could tell she didn't want me to go. I gave her a long hug and said, "I hope all see you again!" We interlocked pinkys and said, "Best friends for life." in unison.

    I was really sad about leaving Lily, but excited for this new opportunity. I guess the sadness showed on my face because as we were walking out the door, he turned to me and asked, "What's wrong sweetie?"

   "Oh, uhm, nothing. I'll just miss Lily," I muttered.

   "Don't worry, if this all does work out she can visit sometimes! And you can always text her right?" he asked with a smile.

   "Oh, none of us can afford phones," I answered, even though I couldn't text her I felt better knowing I'd visit.

   "Oh, sorry," he said, and we were quiet for a little while.

   After a bit we pulled up at a Verizon store.  I recognized it because my mum had a verizon phone before... Yeah.

   I set that to the back of my mind and wondered aloud, "Why are we here?"

   "You can't afford to buy yourself a phone, I can," he said simply with a small smile.

   "Oh my god!!! You don't have to-" I squealed but he cut me off.

   "Yes I do," he said. "You can wait here, I'll be right back." He hopped out of the car and went inside.

   A little while later he came out holding two phones. "Wait, Why two?" I asked, confused.

   "Well love, you need someone to talk to!" he answered.

   Oh my god! He bought a phone for Lily!!! He was so nice! I was so lucky!

    "T-thank you soo much!!!" I blurted.

    "My pleasure sweetie," he said and drove to his house.

   I fumbled around with the phone untill I got there, and looked up.

   My jaw dropped. It was huge. And I mean REALLY huge! Before the orphanage I didn't live in a small house, I mean it was average, but this is like a mansion!

    It had three stories of brick walls and dark green shutters. The windows were nice and big with pretty framing. The front door was gigantic with a big brass knocker. There was a friendly welcome mat and lots of pretty purple, red, and blue flowers on the porch.

   I guess he noticed my shock, he chuckled and said, "Before we go inside I've got a couple things to say." I nodded and he continued, "First, I'm your uncle." What? I was so confused! "How could you be my uncle?? They said I had no family when my parents died that's why I was put into that nasty orphanage!!" I said, getting just a little mad. I mean why didn't he take me earlier!?

   "Yes, well it's a little bit of a distant thing. Your dad's mum had two husbands. After she had me she got divorsed and had your father. The two families were never really told about each other."

   "Oh... sorry," I said looking at the floor.

   "It's okay. Second, my name is Mr. Tomlinson."

   "Like Louis Tomlinson!" I laughed.

   "No. I am Louis's dad. You a fan of One Direction?" he asked.

   If it was possible for my jaw to drop anymore it just did. I was in total shock. "Y-you're kidding. R-right?" I stuttered.

   "Nope!" he announced. I told him pretty much my whole story, but then added, "Please don't tell them, I don't want them to think I'm obssesed!"

   "Okay okay," he laughed. "One more thing, try not to faint! This is where the boys live. If this all works out you'll be rooming with them."

   "," I whispered. One Direction. I was going to live with One Direction. One freaking Direction. I couldn't speak. This was like a life dream.

   I pinched my self and he just laughed and said, "Come on! Come see yourself!"

   I flew out of the car and practically ran up to the door, stuffing the flip phone in my pocket. After using the knocker I waited a bit and the door flew open.

   Nope. Not a dream.

(Remember to fan vote and comment! Love you all(:<3)

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