Chapter 5- More Than This

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A/N Hey guys! so sorry for the late upload!!!! I was camping and then my dad took my laptop.. but here it is(: Please fan, vote, and comment! It'd mean tons! thanks(:

    I was still pretty ticked when we all piled into the car, thank god she had to go home. Actually probably just got what she wanted and didn't feel like spending any more time with him.

   I felt a small nudge from Louis.

   "What?" I asked, snapping back into reality.

    "Liam's talking to you, love," he said softly holding back a laugh before whispering into my ear, "Daydreaming about someone?"

   "I need to talk to you later, Lou," He shot me a confused look and nodded.

   "Erm, sorry Liam, what'd you say?" I asked akwardly.

   He chuckled and responded, "Was just wonderin if you wanted to come to the signing."

    "Are you guys goin straight there?" I asked, not wanting to be a pain but I didn't really wanna come.

    "We could, but the house is on the way. It'd be no problem to drop you off."

     "Oh, ok. Well I guess you could drop me off then. I think I'll take a nap before dinner."

    "Alright!" he said and dropped me off at the huge house.

    I just walked in and threw myself onto the bed. I wasn't as mad at Kelsey as I was at myself. Why did I ever even think he would care about me? Why would i think anyone would care about me?

    "I'm such an idiot," I whispered before hiding under the covers. I pretended I was back on the couch where I had first saw Niall on the TV screen. I eventually fell asleep.

    And of course I just had to dream of him. Ugh.

    We were back in the pool, but alone. He had his arm wrapped around me and he was singing softly to me as the water trickled down from the fall. The moonlight shone on his eyes, making the perfect blue sparkle even more.

     "I don't quite know how to say, how I feel. Those three words, are said to much. They're not enough. If I lay here, If I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world."

    His voice was beautiful, just perfect. It all felt so real, I just wanted to live in the dream forever.

    "All that I am, all that I ever was is here in your perfect eyes. They're all I can see. I don't know where confused about how as well just know that these things will never change for us at all. If I lay here, if I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world," he finished.

    Then he leaned in slowly and kissed my lips gently, it was perfect. I didn't want it to be a dream. But it was.

    Louis ran into my room and started jumping up and down on the bed, screaming "WAKE UPPPP!"

   I just didn't want it to be a dream. I  wanted to be able to love him. I could love him so much than her. He deserved more.

   "We're leaving in 15 minutes! We're gonna go to Nandos! Than we're going to the concert right after that," he yelled and ran out.

   I wished I could just close my eyes again and live in the dream forever. But I pulled myself out of bed.

     I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I splashed my face with some cold water to wake me up and ran a brush through my hair. I figured my outfit was fine, and I wasn't big on make-up so I just put on some lip gloss.

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