Chapter 11- Only Girl in the World

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 A/N I'm sorry it's been so long and this is so short but I'll try to update the rest of it soon I just wanted you guys to have something.. Ive been SO busy! Anyway, enjoy! (:

He pecked my lips quickly before grabbing my hand and leading me off the dance floor.

"Let's go get some food!" he exclaimed like and excited little kid.

I giggled and agreed to follow him.

As soon as we got to the food table he dropped my hand to pile his plate with food. I laughed at his appetite before grabbing a few things to eat myself.

We scanned the tent. There was about 20 large tables full of people. I spotted loads of people I recognized, including Ryan Beatty, Cody Simpson, Ronan Parke, Demi Lovato, and Connie Talbot. I was trying to choose between sitting with Demi or Cody, leaning towards Demi. Then I heard a voice yell, "Hey April, Niall!"

I looked in the direction I heard it from, seeing Ariana, Austin, and Cher. Oh my god. Cher Lloyd just called me over. Cher Freaking Lloyd. I pushed my fangirl away and headed over, not even trying to hide my huge smile. I sat next to Austin and Niall, and Niall sat next to Cher.

We kept up a casual conversation, I did a pretty good job of not freaking out and fangirling.

After he finished most of his food, Niall took my hand from under the table. I smiled a little and gave it a squeeze.

"So, are you having any concerts soon Niall?" Austin asked politely.

"Ya.. We've got a local one in a couple days for charity."

It's so sweet when they do these things for charity. It really shows how unchanged they are by the fame.

"Oh cool dude! Can I come?" he asked.

"Yeah, course mate," he answered, but he seemed a little uneasy. "Either of you wanna go?" he asked Cher and Ariana.

Cher had a photo shoot but Ariana agreed to go with Austin happily. I wondered if they were dating. They would make a pretty cute couple.

   "So do you wanna meet up with Austin and me?" Ariana asked me.

I thought I saw hurt flash across Niall's face. What was wrong? I guess I'll talk to him later.

"Yeah I can get you all seats together. I'll text ya guys the details later. Here put your number in," Niall said, handing his phone to Austin. Niall, Austin, Ariana, Cher, and me all decided to exchange numbers while we had our phones out.

Once we got our phones back, Niall leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Come on, I wanna show you something." His warm lips brushed against my ear, sending tingles through my whole body.

"Well, it was great meeting you guys! See you two at the concert and hopefully we'll meet up sometime Cher," He exclaimed before standing up and taking my hand. He held it loosely in his large hand and our arms swung back and forth gently.

After a few minutes we arrived at the beach, it was beautiful with the white sand, the deep green lake, and a beautiful blue sky.

We went to the far end where nobody else was and sat down in the sand. I dug my toes in and smiled, I loved the beach. I remebered when I was a little, little, kid my grandma took me there once. I had so much fun in the sand, I forgot about the ocean.

I smiled at the memory but it quickly turned upside down when I relized something. It wasn't real. Nothing was real. I had such a hard time getting used to the fact that over half of my life was fake.

"What's wrong babe?" Niall questioned, noticing my sad expression.

I just shook my head, not in a talking mood. He smiled understandingly and pulled me into his warm arms. I sighed a little and snuggled my head into his chest. There was something about Niall that made me feel so safe, like nothing was ever wrong as long as I was in his arms.

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