Chapter 12- Last First Kiss

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A/N Hey! Sorry for the wait my dad took my laptop. I'll try to update again tomorrow morning or Sunday. Thanks for reading, hope you like it! This is for my amazing friend Byanca.. @byanca16 check her stories out she's great :D


The next update is going to be a recap since I know I dont update very often I'll do a short summary paragraph beforeeach chapter but I'll make the next one a seperate update and then delete soon. Just to make sure you all get wahts going on.


Bianca met Zayn in the allyway before a concert and gave her his number, Harry met her while she delivered a pizza to him and gave her his number too. Bianca wasn't aware that they didn't know they both met the same girl and invited her to Ed Sheeran's party. April is still the main character this is just a Bianca chapter.

 ****BIANCAS POV*****

     Damn it. How could I be so stupid? They both had no clue that I was the same person. And I liked them both. Great. Just great.      After our akward greeting we all headed up to the house. Not too sound cocky, since I was probably just another girl too both of them, but I felt like Zayn and Harry were both fighting over me the whole time.      Anyway, the whole party was still amazing. I met SO many cool people. And I pretty much died when Ed Sheeran said hi to me. I mean who wouldn't? I still can't believe I met him.     Slowly people started leaving and the sun started to set.  I was about to go find someone to talk to since Cher left, when I heard a familiar voice.      "Bianca!"       "Oh hey Harry!" I replied with a smile.       "Come here, I wanna show you something," He pleaded, grabbing my hand.     I followed along and it sounds cliche but my hand seemed to fit perfectly in his.      After walking through Ed's beautiful home and up some steps, we got to a small room. I assumed it was a guest room. Harry led me through the bedroom and then out onto the balcony. It was slightly larger then the balconies at a normal hotel room, with a golden colored railing and black deck chairs with a matching table.      I started to sit down when Harry pulled me away.       "Chairs are for losers," He stated with such a serious face it cracked me up.      "Feel free to take a seat then," I joked, gesturing to the chair.      He glared at me, but there was no way his face could look angry.  He was just too adorable. Like a cupcake. An angry cupcake.. Yeah.      "You hurt my feelings," Harry fake pouted, looking down.      "I'm sorry Styles," I apologized.      "I don't forgive you," he announced, still faking his sad face.       I laughed and replied, "What's it gonna take Haz?"       "A kiss!" he grinned that huge, cheeky, smile of his.        I sighed and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Just as my lips were about to touch his cheek, he swiftly turned his head. His lips smashed into mine. I was totally shocked and angry at first, but for some reason I didn't pull away. Maybe because, I sorta, might've, kinda, uhm, enjoyed it. A lot.      I kissed back and our lips moved together perfectly. He placed his hand firmly on the small of my back, and the other hand was still holding mine.      I moved my free hand up to his chest and trailed it up to his soft, brown, locks, playing with the curls. After a few more moments of perfection, I pulled away.      A huge smile covered his face, but I wasn't sure whether to be angry or pleased. Of course I enjoyed our kiss. But I guess I just didn't want it to happen like that. I mean, it was our first kiss. I wanted it to be special. In its own way it was though, and I had loved it. But most of all, in that moment, I was glad that it happened, that I had a first kiss with him. And I wanted my last kiss to be with him too. My last first kiss.      I didn't know what to say so I just stared into his eyes and his gigantic smile slowly faded. His big green eyes stared back into mine. I don't think the moment needed words, it was perfect by itself.      We stated like that for a minute or so, I don't even know because his eyes literally stopped time, everything froze and it was just me and him.      "Come on," he smiled, pulling my hand towards the side of the house. Going up the rough brick wall was a small, silver, ladder. Thank god I wasn't scared of heights.     "Ladies first," he grinned and gestured to the ladder. I headed up and took a seat on the dark brown shutters. My feet swung back and forth over the edge of the mansion.      "Beautiful. Isn't it?" I muttered as Harry and I watched the sun set in the purple sky.      "Yeah.. You really are."      I laughed at Harry's sweetness and he smiled that perfect smile of his before slipping his hand into mine again.      I hate how everyone judges Harry as a player type guy. He's actually an incredibly sweet boy, even though he can be very flirty. I like him for who he is though. Yeah you're probably thinking, "You've known him for less than two hours.." And your right. I'm not saying I'm in love with him or anything, just a crush. I think he's a sweet guy, and I'd love to get to know him more.      And I would end up getting to know him very well.. Maybe even too well..       ****Still Bianca's POV***            I was looking for someone to talk to when I felt a tap on my shoulder.     "Hey babe," Zayn exclaimed, with a shy smile. He literally gave me butterflies by simply talking. Wait what? I like Harry, not Zayn! What what?? I don't like anyone I barely even know them. Ugh. I mentally slapped myself for having such confusing feelings and answered, "Hey Zayn."     We were in Ed's house where people had been dancing earlier but it was pretty much cleared out now.     The boombox in the corner was playing softly and i heard the first few notes of one of my favorite songs. I'll look after you by The Fray.     I smiled and said, "I love this song!"     "Me too!" Zayn returned my smile and questioned, "Dance with me?"  I took his hand and he pulled me closer to him before wrapping his arms around my waist. He was a few inches taller, and I hugged his chest and buried my face into his shoulder.     This song reminded me of my old boyfriend. He used to sing it to me. Yeah, I missed him. But I was over him now. I tried not to think of what he did to me and to enjoy the song.      Zayn's hands were warm and his strong arms were wrapped around me. I felt like nothing could ever hurt me in his arms. I forgot about... Well everything. The way we gently swayed back and forth to the music was so relaxing I just wanted to stay like that forever.      The second verse of the song started and I heard a gentle voice in my ear.       He sang along softly until the end. His voice was so perfect, all the butterflies in my stomache doubled.      Eventually the song ended, and we reluctantly parted. He picked my chin up so I was staring into his deep brown eyes. "You know, whatever happens between us I'll always look after you," He whispered in his deep, husky voice.      I was glad the lights were low so he couldn't see me blushing.       He smiled softly and took a hold of my hand. "I think the partys pretty much over, lets find everyone else," Zayn suggested.      I nodded, still in shock at how perfect our dance was. But my evening with Harry was pretty perfect too. My heart was torn between the two of them. Zayn. Harry. Harry. Zayn... Who?       Thanks for reading! If you vote and comment I'll check out one of your stories (: love you xx PS. Barry or Zianca?? :D  

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