Chapter 7- Moments

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****Drake's POV(guy on the bench)****

   I couldn't believe it was her. I had been looking for Delilah for two years, and somehow she had found me.

  What should I tell her though? I didn't want to overwhelm or confuse her but she needed to know the truth about her life. Because pretty much everything she knew, or thought she knew, now was a lie.

   ****April's POV****

   "What?" I asked the guy.

   "Uhm.. Delilah, I have a lot to tell you," he stuttered.

   What? My names not Delilah? This guy was very wierd, but it was even more wierd that I felt like I recognized him. I wasn't sure where from until it hit me.

   It was like my brain froze and started playing a movie.

    I was in a lab, everything was white and high-tec looking. I spotted a small glass window to my right but that was the only thing normal. There was some kind of helmet thing on my head with wires leading to a huge computer like thing. I had a white hospital gown on and tons of people in lab coats sorrounding me. I felt the sharp pain of yet another needle being poked into my arm.

   "What's going on?" I mumbled, finding my voice dry and barely able to talk.

   Everyone ignored me, they just kept carrying around samples in tubes, typing at the computer thing, attending to my helmet and poking stuff in my arms.

   I was scared, lost, worried. Then I saw him. He was the guy on the bench. His head appeared in the window. I knew him, but I wasn't sure how.

  "You're an experiment Delilah. They're changing your past. I'll find you though, I promise," he mouthed with a small smile at the end before he broke into tears and dissapeared from my view. In my head it wasn't weird that he called me Delilah..I felt like it was my name somehow.

    My eyes slowly opened and I saw the world around me and heard faint voices for a flash. Then everything around me faded to black and I crashed off the bench, slamming my head into the concrete.

   ****Niall's POV****

   Okay she took that a little to far.. Where was she?? Louis and me had been searching for an hour!!! This wasn't funny! I'd texted her and called like a billion times and the other boys had all tried too. Why wasn't she answering? I really hoped nothing bad had happened.

   I was about to give up when I felt my phone buzz. I anciously snatched it out of my pocket and freaked when I saw the name.

   "APRIL CALLED BACK," I hollered to Liam who was nearby talking to a staff memeber.

   He excitedly ran over and I put it on speaker.

   "Hello?" I said eagerly.

   "Hello," A lady replied. That was definetly NOT April.

   "April has gone into a small coma from hitting her head. She's at Bradford County Hospital. She'll be alright but please come as soon as possible."

   The word stung. Coma. I couldn't even speak I was so shocked. Was it my fault? I couldn't believe it.

   "Thank you, we're on our way," Liam had to answer for me.

   The car ride was dead silent, I sat in the back and stared out the window so nobody could see my watery eyes, I was really trying hard to hold back the tears.

   Louis parked the car out and I practically ran into the hospital. I flung the door open and found the front desk.

   "Hi, I'm a close friend of April Anderson. Could I see her?" I asked the lady politely but urgently.

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