Chapter 8- Stole My Heart

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A/N Sorry for the late update, hope this is long! Pay attention to the POV it changes a lot! This chapter is dedicated to my friend Byanca because she's amazing and I love her!:P Also she's going to be a new character! (SUPRISE BYANCA!:P:D) The description doesn't look like her but that's for reasons you'll figure out later! Anyway enjoy!

    Should I tell him I like him too? Would that even change a thing? Maybe it was a dream.. Maybe I just made it up. I don't know, I just can't see how the Niall Horan would love me. I'm just a plain old ugly girl, he could have any person in the world. He would never choose me. Anyway that's what I thought. I decided to just forget about it and let him tell me himself.

    "So when are they gonna be back?" I asked Niall. I was getting kind of hungry too.

    Before he couold answer the door flung open. The boys all entered and Louis instantly screamed, "APRIL!!" and tackled me in a hug. The rest of the boys just smiled and greeted me.

    Drake stood there and smiled, just looking into my eyes. I wondered who he was. I mean you can't just come here and say we're friends when I don't even know you. I wanted answers.

   "Hey uh Drake? Who exactly are you?" I asked curiously.

   "Erm..That's kinda a long story," he answered without meeting my eyes.

   "How but we all go to our house and discuss it?" Liam suggested.

   The doctor agreed I could go, so Louis drove us all home.

   Liam led us to the living room and sat down in a recliner chair. Drake took the other chairs. Niall, Harry, and Louis took the couch so Zayn dived into the chair with Liam on it. We all laughed as Liam screamed, "OW!"

   I didn't know where to sit so Louis shouted "This couch can fit four!"

   Niall motioned for me to come over and he ended up sitting on the arm and I sat in his place, leaning my head in his lap.

   "Ok.. April, this won't make a lot of sense at all. But you're going to have to trust me. Just promise to listen to me until I'm done and I'll try my best to proove it. Okay?" Drake asked.

   I shrugged and answered, "Okay I promise."

   "Do you remember anything from when you were under twelve April?" Drake asked.

  "Yeah.. Of course! I remember a lot.. I just had a normal life until my parents died," I answered confused.

  "Ok. Well your not gonna believe me here but please keep listening. None of that is true," he said cleary, looking into my eyes.

   The room filled with confused expressions. What was this guy saying? Duh it was true. You can't just walk up to me and tell me my life is a lie. That's just not even.. Ugh.

   "Your parents, they're alive," he told me.

   Now that got my attention. But he was a liar. Or was he?

   "Proove it," I said, there was somehow a small part of me that believed him but the rest of me was saying it couldn't be real.

   "I need to finish first," he answered.

   God, I really didn't care. I was interested in my parents being alive. Not his stupid lies. But if they were lies that meant my parents weren't alive. So I decided to give him a chance.

   ****Drake's POV****

    "Your Mom and Dad were in the FBI, they were put on a dangerous case when you were just five. They had to take it to keep their jobs. They did it for you. You have no other family, as you probably know," He said before Louis interupted him.

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