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Hi all Kat and I (Ema) decided to write this story together. We do warn you that it does have sexual content. Violence. Language. And all mature themes. Read at own risks. Not for sensitive readers. 

We do hope that those of you who reads this will enjoy all that we bring to you. And don't forget to vote at the end of each chapter if you love it. 

We do thank you for reading this and would like to hear all your thoughts about what you think. 

Love you all. Ema and Kat. xoxoxoxo.


Leah and I just graduated high school a few days ago. I'm leaving tomorrow to go visit my dad for the summer. I hope he isn't away so much this summer for work. For some reason I don't know why, my stepmother hates my guts. She is only nice to me when my dad is around, but when my dad isn't home and away on business, she is the meanest person to me. She treats me like I'm her slave. And the way she is towards me I know for sure she has a problem with me.

Leah and I were at her house. Her parents weren't there and we just hanged out. We were in her room and sitting crossed legs on her bed.

"Are you nervous to visit your dad this summer?"

"Yeah sort of. I mean not only is it the tension of being around my stepmother, but also running into Brandon." I rolled my eyes.

Brandon is my ex boyfriend. I met him 2 years ago when I was also visiting my dad for the summer. He really hurt the shit out of me. He used me for his pleasure, while he was cheating on me countless times. And I was so sickly in love with him that I kept going back to him even when I know he would never change. Till I couldn't take anymore of his hurt, I left him a year ago.

Since then I just focused on my school work and never dated anyone again or even showed any interest in any guys. Although I met Ryan just after Brandon and I broke up. But he was more a friend to me than anything more than that. But I know he has feelings for me as he sometimes flirts with me. But I told him that I just want to be friends. He is a nice guy, sweet and caring. Any girl would be lucky to have him but he is just not what I want. He doesn't give me a tingling in my body or gives me shivers. Or anything like that. So we are just friends with no benefits. Just friends.

Leah looks at me and she sees I'm tensed and sad at the same time. 

"How about I come with you?"

I look up at her "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Will your mom let you go?"

"Let me make a phone call?"

Leah picks up her phone and calls her mom. 

"Mom, can I go with Mia to her dad for the summer? It's in Portland?"

There was a pause with silence and gets broken with a excited "Yay."

"Thanks mom."

Leah talks to her mom a while longer and I could see by her reaction that her mom said yes. 

She hangs up the phone and jumps up from the bed.

"I'm going with you." she yells from excitement.

"Yes!" I jumped up from the bed and we jumped up and down from excitement. 

"I should call my dad and let him know." I said and grab my phone out of my pocket and call my dad. I arranged everything with my dad that Leah is coming with me when my dad says "Oh good. Alex is bringing a friend too. But it's ok. Can't wait to see you. Love you." 

He hangs up and we kept jumping up and down all excited. I wasn't going to be all alone at my dad's house. 

We started packing her things and went to my house. I heard my mom in the kitchen and Leah and I walked into the kitchen.

"Hi girls."

"Hey mom. Guess what?"

"What?" she looks at me confused.

"Leah is going with me to dad's house for the summer." I said all excited, waving my hands in excited next to my head.

She takes a breathe of relief and hugs me "That's great news."

"Yeah I know."

"This time you won't be so depressed when you get home." she says hugging me tight.

"Um..." I didn't know what to say. 

Leah stands crossed arms behind my mom and nods her head yes. I sighed. Last time I was at my dad's. I broke up with Brandon and went into a very deep depression. Causing my mom to work harder to send me to therapy. I was self harming myself. But with the help my mom gave me, which put her in debts. I am 4 months clean and haven't harmed myself.

My mom lets me go out of the tight hug and puts her hands on my shoulders. 

"You know I love you Mia. But I can't afford another session of depression therapies. I'm still paying the first one off." she says shrugging her shoulders.

I sighed and looked to the floor "I know... I'm sorry mom."

"I did it because I love and care for you."

"Yeah I know mom, I love you too." I said to slightly smiling.

"Go pack. I'll get the food ready for dinner." she says heading to the fridge.

Leah and I went upstairs to my room and packed all my things. 


Thank you and please vote. 

Ema and Kat.

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