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We all came back from the hiking and everyone decided to go take a nap before dinner time. Everyone went their separate ways when we got back to the cottage. I went to the bathroom before I went back to my room where Leah and I were sleeping. I closed the door and next moment a hand was blocking it from closing. I step away and Brandon came into the bathroom and he shut the door. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him in shock.

"How long are you going to avoid me?"

"As long as it takes." I said and I try to get to the door to open it and get away from him. 

Brandon blocks the door and keeps me in there with him.

"Brandon what do you want from me?" 

"Just stop ignoring me for once and talk to me."

"We're done with all the talking Brandon. You ignored me for years. And now you want to talk?"

"Mia... Please. Stop being so childish."

"Oh. I'm being childish now?" 

"Why are you ignoring me?"

"For one your an ass and I made a mistake ever dating you. And two I don't want to talk to the person who broke my heart over and over again. After I gave him my virginity he still cheated on me. After I gave you everything to make you happy. You still broke my heart. Now can I please go."

I pushed him away and I opened the door and run out of the bathroom straight into Dylan. I had tears in my eyes as I left the bathroom. I look up at Dylan and I just shake my head and walked past him. I run out of the house and went into the woods. It was dark out already but I didn't care. I just needed to get out of there. I run to the lake.

"Mia wait." I heard Dylan yelling for me. 

I turn around and I was crying and I was shaking and I was on the point to breakdown. Dylan runs to me and I turn around and walk to the lake.

"Mia stop." he says.

"I need to get away from here."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. I just need to get away from him."

"Let me come with you then."

I just sighed and I nod and I get the boat ready to take off.

"Really though where are we going?"

"There's a cabin on the other side of the lake we can spend time there for tonight." I said and I get in the boat. Dylan joins me in the boat and we take off. 

"Are you okay?" he asks me after a while.

"Why is he trying to talk to me?"

"I thought he didn't say anything to you."

"I tried to ignore him Dylan. He cornered me into the bathroom."

"He what?"

"He blocked the door forcing me to talk to him."

"Why didn't you tell me this when you run into me."

"Dylan please."

"Mia. If he is starting to give you problems I will take care of him."

"I don't want you to. Just leave it."

"Mia. I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm in love with you."

"You what?"

"I love you."

"You love me? We've only known each other a few weeks Dylan."

"I love you."

I stare at him and I could see he was serious about what he just said to me.

"You really love me?"

"Why don't you believe me? What happened between you and Brandon?"

"You really want to know?"

"Make me understand."

"Brandon and I met few years ago here. When I was visiting my dad. He just met Caroline. I wasn't too happy about it. So I sneak out of the house. I run into Brandon when I sneaked out. He kept me company and then later took me home. We started dating after that for about 2 years. But with us being away from each other. Things changed. He was cheating on me every chance he got. And I was so in love with him that I didn't care. I gave him chance after chance. And still he cheated. He was my first. I gave it to him and he left me after that for someone else. He left me two days after I gave myself to him. That's where I started to go into a very deep depression. I started harming myself. And Leah and my mom noticed it. My mom had to work two jobs to pay for my therapies to help me to get better and for the meds and everything. After that I went back to him one last time. And I just couldn't take all the hurt anymore and I again went into a depression. I ended things with him for good. But I still had to go for therapy. I tried taking my own life after I left him. So my mom told me to still go to the therapies to help me to get better. Since Brandon I never trusted any guy again. Well not until you."

"You didn't deserve that Mia. I'm sorry. Is that why you can't say I love you to me?"

"I'm sorry I want to say it. I just. I'm not ready to say it yet."

"It's okay. I understand. I'll give you more time. But I mean it. I never have met a girl like you."

I chuckled and blushed. I take his hand in mine.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For loving me even if I'm such a mess."

"You're not a mess. Or at least I don't think you are."

"That's sweet Dylan." 

I get up and sit next to him and he wraps his arms around me. He kisses me on my forehead and we enjoyed our journey on the lake together.


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