part XLV

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*mitchel's pov*

"why are we doing this? we can just ubereats," i protested, not seeing the point in clinton's idea.

"because," clinton exhaled, "we never have any alone time and i want to speak with you anyway. i'm your big brother and i've been doing a really shitty job of it."

i groaned, not trusting in all the cliche shit he was expelling. sure, he had been doing a terrible job of being a brother these past eight or so months but i wasn't concerned about it. i was my own person and i was twenty one. i didn't need his shit now.

i regarded him after studying the carpet for a while and sighed. he seemed so desperate that we go to this dumbass mexican restaurant and eat and i figured i could do this one thing for him. i wasn't necessarily frantic about it but....

"fine, let's go."

he smiled, looking so fucking excited that we could go out to eat. i had no idea what his problem was but i shrugged, sweeping off his dumbass attitude and following him out the door.

the uber was slightly unsociable as clinton was texting someone excessively.

"who are you texting?" i sighed, trying to lean to the side to snoop at his phone. he quickly pulled his phone away from my eyes and scowled. "no one."

"well, i thought we were going to this restaurant so we could have alone time," i pointed out, raising an eyebrow.

he sighed in defeat as he knew i had him cornered and nodded. "you're right." he sent one last text and locked his phone, sliding it in his pocket.

a few minutes later we arrived and i squinted. this place was weirdly familiar. i could've sworn lara had lugged me here a few times for date nights. it was ironic cause it was her favorite place and clinton chose to eat at the unknown place without even realizing it.

i sneered to myself and shook her out of my train of thought, trailing clinton's tall figure out of the car and into the swinging doors of the restaurant.

i messed with my braids and sighed in resentment as he lead us to the farthest possible place back into the restaurant, but soon it all made sense.

my hands dropped from my hair, and my mouth opened and shut, my brain attempting to process what was in front of me.


*laralyn's pov*


i inhaled sharply, pushing my drink away from me and looking between mitchel and clinton in confusion.

why was he here? clinton told me this was supposed to be a nice lunch with us and now he brought his brother?

"m-mitchel?" i faltered, a blush surging to my face as i thought about the errors i had made in the past concerning him.

a silence followed as we both tried to process what the hell was happening.

"clinton, what the hell is going on?" mitchel inquired, finally breaking his gaze from my figure to look at clinton.

"sit down," clinton commanded, pointing at the spot next to me at the table. hesitation took over mitchel as he seemed scared almost to sit beside me.

"sit. down." clinton remarked again, more stiffness in his voice.

mitchel sighed and finally obeyed, sitting in the booth next to me and giving me a weak smile which surprised me.

this felt like a dream. the boy that had consumed my every waking thought was now sitting beside me. i could smell the familiar scent of mint and cigarettes that always followed him, and i breathed it in, not sure when the next time i would get to be this close to him was.

i almost broke down in tears. i missed this man so much and now clinton had brought him back to me. sure, we would probably never get back together but i craved seeing him one last time.

my thoughts were broken as clinton kept standing and started talking. "now i'm sure you guys are both curious as to what the hell is happening. well, i have been the worst person in the world these past few months. i completely fucked you both over and now it's time for me to do one thing right in life. so let me say what needs to be said."

"laralyn," he spoke, turning slightly towards me. "i know how you've been feeling. i know you think that you don't deserve mitchel because of the mistakes you've made. but i'm here to tell you both that... man if i have ever seen such a beautiful disastrous pair of soulmates. laralyn managed to cheat on you mitchel, which to be fair, i don't think was fully her intent. but then she managed to fuck jesse."

he paused and i nearly choked on my drink. i turned to mitchel and his gaze seemed to turn to stone. "mitchel, i swear if you would let me-"

"but laralyn," clinton interrupted. "it's okay that you did that. well, because mitchel fucked jessie. your old best friend? yeah. so mitchel doesn't really have a right to be mad at you, and you don't have a right to be mad at him. and i know for a fact mitchel wants you back so desperately and i know you want him too. so you can sit here and act like you hate each other or you can work it out. cause i don't think either of you will be happy without each other."

clinton said it all so nonchalantly and my brain almost couldn't wrap around the words spilling from his mouth.

but now was my turn to look at mitchel. "jessie? really?"

mitchel scoffed, a sardonic laugh escaping his lips. "jesse? really?"

i couldn't help but start laughing. "we're so fucked up," i managed to choke out from the laughs escaping my throat.

he looked at me for a moment and joined in, shaking his head while he laughed. "seems like we both fucking suck at coping without each other."

clinton grinned, and shook his head.

"i'm leaving kids. talk to me again when y'all are back together."


your fav pair of fuck ups have officially spoken for the first time in four months👀👀 real shit are u excited or no?? also, go follow my social medias and talk to me on there!!
@clintoncavestan - twitter 💘
@chaseatlanticbabe - insta 🦋

for better or for worse // mitchel cave (completed)Where stories live. Discover now