Bad Dinner

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Ava's POV

All eyes were on me as I walked through the hallway. I got in my seat in class and everybody kept shooting me glares. I don't understand why. "You're being abused by the teacher and she doesn't want to go to jail. Of course your gonna pass," the girl next to me said. "She doesn't abuse me , it's a -" and then Diana walked in. She sat on her desk and took a deep breath.

"I'm going to address this situation once and one time only. There is not another professor for this class. So I was offered 3 choices. I step down, the class closes and you all flunk out, Ava flunks out, or I continue class as usual. The relationship I have with Ava does not exist in this classroom. I treat her as I do all of you. She is graded equally and the rules apply to her equally," Diana finished and the class leaned back in their seats. "If anything you should pass her automatically for all the bullshit you put her through," the girl next to me said.

Diana looked down and I could tell her tongue was tied. I stood up and walked next to her. "Look. My grade in this class is an 81. That's how much work I've been putting in. It's not a priority of mine. College never was. I'm not 'America's Victim' , I'm not a victim at all. Diana and I had relations before this class. Actually the dean asked me if I was okay with her being the professor , which I was. We didn't become official until my father's event. These allegations my father are making are false and they will be proven false. This class is a last resort for all of us. So please ... let's carry on this class like we always have," I said and people around the room nodded.

"So like ... you two are lesbians. That's so fucking hot," some boy said in the back and Diana burst out laughing. I went back to my seat. "The floor is yours Ms. Elizabeth," I said and opened my notebook.

The class finished and the girl who sat next to me left me her number. I thought it was off but I put the number in my pocket and thought nothing of it.

Mrs. Elizabeth, the dean, Diana's mother walked into the classroom. She eyed me up and down and Diana sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ne me roule pas les yeux," her mother said smirking.

(Don't roll your eyes at me)

I wish I knew French.

"I've arranged dinner with Ava's mother and brother," she said.

"WHAT?!" I screamed and Diana gave me a stern look. Her mother turned to me and smiled wide. "Diana didn't say you were hard at hearing. Then again-"

"Mère, arrête-le maintenant. Tu es embarrassant!" Diana shouted.
(Mother, stop it right now. You are embarrassing.)

"It's at 7:30. Don't be late," she said and walked out. I looked at Diana and she was biting her lip and staring at me. "You're cute when your angry," she said and I smiled and shook my head.

I've never seen Diana struggle to pick an outfit. "My mother may own a fashion magazine but she's not gonna rip you to shreds Diana," I said pulling myself into a pair of skinny light blue jeans. "Okay. So it's not an accidental thing. You've called me Diana four times since we got in the house. I am your mistress in this house. It's a lifestyle Ava," she said going through her closet, hanger by hanger.

"Is it a lifestyle or relationship?" I asked she growled, "That's it."

She grabbed me by my waist and pushed me into the wall. "It's 'do whatever the fuck I tell you to when I tell you to' Ava. Be lucky I'm just your Mistress and not dominating you completely. Quit the back talk, follow the rules and be my good girl, okay?" she said in my ear. Her leg pressed against my heat and her breath tickled the skin behind my ear and down my neck. "Yes Mistress," I said and she backed off.

"If you must know I'm worried about my mother's idea of my outfit, than yours," she said and I rolled my eyes and then thanked g-d she had her back turned.

We went to my mother's house for dinner. It was a small house. Two stories with a huge yard that had a pool.

"Ms.Kyle, pleasure to meet you again," Diana said shaking my mother's hand. My mother waved her hand off and pulled her into a hug.

Diana's mother was already there and having a full blown argument with Kyla. "Where's my brother?" I asked and my mother shrugged. "You know how he is. Anyway, let's go dinner is done," she said and we all sat around the table.

Fried chicken, collard greens, lasagna, fried fish, white rice, corn, cornbread ... my mother hasn't cooked like this since I was a 14. That's when they divorced. My father took custody of me and mom took custody of Zachary. Things were never the same. Diana indulged without remorse however her mother stuck to a salad.

"Calories," was her excuse.

"Well. To kill the elephant in the room. I think you two are a adorable couple. I don't agree with my ex-husband and his most recent actions. I do have some heavy leverage in the media and I refuse to let my daughter be victimized and the true victim here be damned to hell," she finished looking at Diana.

I can't stand Diana's mother. She just sat there. Diana began to rub my thigh underneath the table and she shook her head lightly. "Let the frog jump," her mother muttered. This bitch. Diana cleared her throat, "What do you have in mind?"

"Interviews, and some photo shoots with the four of us,"my mother smiled.

My sister flicked collard greens at Diana's mother , staining her white blouse. "Guessing Kyla thinks we should all have a good fight," I laughed. Diana and her mother's eyes widened.
"We will do no such thing!" Diana's mother shouted and began wiping her blouse immediately.

Zachary walked in , some girl laughing behind him. Diana immediately pushed away from the table and I followed her alarmed. "Babe.."

She glared at me. You live and you learn, trial and error. We turned the corner into the living room to see Zachary on the couch with Jennifer.

"Jennifer..." I mumbled. She looked up at Diana and I. Diana shook her head and laughed. "Let's finish dinner Ava," she said pulling me back.

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