Not Guilty

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Ava's POV

Hearing the words not guilty lifted weights off Diana and I. We were awarded our counter sue of fifty million dollars and Diana handed it all to me. In months to come I would hunt my father for my inheritance from my grandparents. They were already inching to strip him of everything but they had nobody to give the reigns to within the family and so I promised to invest in school. Diana offered me a spot on her board for Audi and though I expressed to her I had no knowledge she threw me in it anyway, putting the 72% in both our names.

I walked out the courthouse with cameras and microphones in my face shoving me out of my thoughts. I had to close this chapter with powerful words this much I knew. I had clutched to Diana's arm and leaned on her shoulder as we walked out. I tugged on her arm and she looked down at me. She squinted not being able to read my facial expression. I stood tall and the crowd grew silent.

"The last months have been rough and my love and I have been pushed to nerve wrecking limits. This only made my love for Diana Elizabeth stronger. I've been a victim to her love and so I became a victim to my own father," I said breaking a tear and then ducking my head into Diana who rushed me to the limo. The crowd swallowed us and security fought to keep us protected.

All day my words replayed on the news and radio shows. I was studying when Diana was heard going off in French and stampeding down the stairs towards the main door. Even Lana who could hold a phone call conversation during one of our arguments snapped her head to the disturbance.

Diana swung the door open to see nobody but Derek there with a smirk. "Je vous manque?"

(You miss me?)

Diana's hand flinched to slap the man. "What the hell are you doing on my property?" she said through gritted teeth. "At ease Diana ..."

"Fifty million dollars you had him sue her for and his profit from Sony won't even cover a third. The only thing with his name and not my grandparents and you've cost him it all. Don't you feel defeated," I spoke and both their heads snapped in my direction. Diana's jaw now dropped and Derek held a sinister smile on his face. "I could give a damn less about your father and his losses little ... ignorant girl. This had nothing to do with you really. Abuse please. If Diana ever really put you in your place you would want to be just abused ... it seems Diana hasn't even showed you her full potential. No ..." Derek's eyes then wondered to Diana, "You haven't tapped into it at all or the pet wouldn't have spoken unless spoken to."

She gripped the door and suddenly it smacked Derek right in his skull. The man groaned to the instant wave of pain. "Why are you here?" Diana growled and he managed to laugh while rubbing his temple. Lana waved to me a goodbye and I assumed left through the back door.

"My party invite of course," he smiled and Diana's face dropped. "Head Mistress Diana? Is it me or do you look at a loss for words. Let me guess you haven't even given the event a thought," he said with a smile and leaned in the door frame.

"You wouldn't be invited nonetheless," Diana spat and went to close her door and he slid in the house ... my eyes widened. Trespassing.

"Unless you threw the keys to me. We'd switch spots. It would kick me in the community and you'd have three months to plan properly instead of one. I know court, your major companies , your school job and minor businesses must have clouded your once a year duty to the community," he smirked.

Derek wasn't hard to look at. He was tall and had chocolate hair that he combed back so often it began to naturally grow that way yet he raked gel through it nonetheless. His eyes were plain brown yet full of deceit and the only thing that stained him was the D.W tatted in cursive behind his ear. He wore a white t-shirt with cargo pants and black work boots. For a man of his wealth and status it seemed odd for him to wear such a minimum wage outfit but then again he was a model.

"Honestly ladies I think we should sit and chat about this. I deserve that much no? Think about it? Let's start with Ava, shall we? You hate your father, so much so you're elated he is about to lose everything, your name has skyrocketed in the public. You've been asked for interviews left and right so much that your mother can't even keep up and that's solo. The both of you have been shoved to the front of the lgbt community. While you may not care much for their movements it certainly brings grace. Feu Bleu and along with every club you own Diana has been buzzing with fans hoping to see either you and/or Ava. I am nothing but a thorn. A drop dead sexy thorn whose publicity has shot up. Everyone hanging onto my every word hoping to know ... can you guess?" He turned to me, "Lesser of low?"

Diana gasped and her face grew dark. "Don't you dare call her that!" she warned. "Well she is. Is she not?" He backed off when Diana gripped the door knob. "What is your goal in all this Mr. Wynter?" I asked and he smiled.

"I thought you'd never ask," he said and grabbed me by the wrist and Diana quickly stepped between us. "You will never get her," Diana promised.

Derek looked deep into Diana's blue eyes and his own face softened. "You love her don't you. If it had been anybody else. They'd have been too much of a hassle. You would have discarded them at the first sign of trouble. You're willing to throw away everything we share for her?" he broke finally.

"We are divorced Derek," Diana reminded him. "I thought we needed time. I thought ... yet... but still I'm scared to hold onto hope. After all I've done to deter you, you still wish to let her in. How could you when she can't please you like I'll always be able to," he whispered and Diana broke eye contact with him.

She pushed his hand off my wrist finally and hung her head low. She had been submissive to him. He looked at me and then moved the wavy hair from Diana's right ear revealing D.W in cursive.

"Derek and Diana Wynter," I mumbled and Derek nodded. "My name is Diana Elizabeth," Diana spoke now looking him in the eye. "I am not yours anymore Derek! Stop this!"

"Pour quels motifs? Pas de contrat? Pas de jeu de la propriété. La fille n'a pas de discipline! Vous êtes négligent! Tu étais mon soumis et ta moquerie de moi et de la communauté. Faites-le ensemble avant de le faire pour vous!"

(On what grounds? No contract? No display of ownership. The girl has no discipline! You are careless! You were my submissive and your making of mockery of me and the community. Get it together before I do it for you!)

Diana nodded at his French words and he looked back at me then quickly glanced back at Diana. "If you need more time to plan the event you can switch spots with me. However know that's signing your respect in this community to me," he said and then left.

Diana took a deep breath and mumbled an apology before locking herself in her study.

I often heard her on the phone, occasionally coming in the kitchen for a snack. She didn't say a word to me. I could only wonder what effect his words had on us and what his French words were.

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