Back At It, Again

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Ava's POV

I sat in the precinct arguing with this numbskull of a police officer. "Do you know who my wife is?" He chuckled and looked at me slowly, "Sure do. I know she's gonna come bail you out."

"So why even bother to arrest me?" I asked.

"Because Ms. Greene  ... it's what she'll do to you after she bails you out that interests me. You're the only submissive I've come across that talks so much. Sit in there and keep quiet till your Mistress comes for you," he demanded. It seemed he had already spoke to Diana and there was nothing I could do so defeated I waited.

"That's better," he teased.

I must have dozed off because I woke up to a shadow over me. "She's up. Thank you Xavier I'll take her from here," she said and then she stepped aside for him to open the cell.

"It was great doing business with you Di-," she glared at him in a way that showed nothing but agitation. "Mrs. Elizabeth ... The only reason you got away with this Xavier," she took a long glance at me and I felt like prey, "is because I'm going to enjoy it."

I followed her out the precinct and she didn't say a word. "Mistress I-"

"160 in a 45! It's reckless driving! Reckless behavior and it's embarrassing! Nothing you say Ava will get you out of what I have in mind," she said and continued to the parking lot. "What you have in mind or what that punk ass cop has in mind?" I argued and she turned and grabbed me by the throat.

She pushed until I was seated on the steps and I glanced around for any witness but it was 2am ... nobody was out here. "You could have hurt yourself or somebody or worse! It doesn't matter whose idea your punishment is because it's going to ensure you never see the inside of that building again! Is that understood?" she asked and at my hesitation she began to squeeze. "Yes Mist-"

"Sorry little one I couldn't quite hear you?" she said squeezing even tighter. I grabbed her wrist and she eased up a little. "Yes Mistress, understood," I replied and she leaned in and kissed me, her mouth dominating my own instantly her hand moved from my throat to what was hers and her finger rubbed against my clit. My legs opened for her as she had her way. When I was seconds away she removed her hand and I grabbed onto her arm and held her , burying face in her jacket. "Ava," she warned.

"I'm sorry ... I just .. I need a second. Please Mistress," I begged. She rubbed my back for a little before pulling away. "Let's go you have a long day tomorrow," she warned and I followed her to the car... the car!

"You got it!" I yelled.

"You think I was gonna let a rose gold Camaro SS sit in an impound lot? No," she said getting in the driver's seat. I got in and almost immediately fell asleep, waking up to her getting in the gate to our home.

We both went straight to bed not saying much. She held me as she always did demanding that I sleep naked ... that it would prepare me for tomorrow's punishment.

The Next Day

"No!" Diana backhanded me coldly in her office. I looked up at her holding my cheek and her eyes softened but she forced it out. "Ava... I paid a lot of money to get you out that cell and get you your car back. You think I want to do this? I have to remain a Mistress of my word. Understand that willingly before I force you to," she warned. I could tell in her eyes she was becoming more upset by the second but there was still some negotiation room left.

"I want to be blindfolded. I'll give you no further trouble Mistress .. just ... please?" I pleaded and she nodded , kissing me where she had just harshly struck me just seconds ago.

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