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Ava's POV

Jennifer bickered back and forth. "God damn it Jenn he's gonna fucking bleed out! Open the fucking door!" I begged her but she was still stuck. My brother was clutching on to me. There was a steak knife a couple inches deep in my brothers chest. She was talking to herself weighing my options.

The police was trying to get in but she had barricaded the door. "JENNIFER MY BROTHER IS GOING TO FUCKING DIE! SO EITHER YOU GET THE FURNITURE OFF THE DOOR OR KEEP PRESSURE ON HIM SO I CAN!" I snapped but so did she.

"Nobody's leaving," she said coldly. She came towards me and Zachary pushed me off of him letting out a painful groan. She chased me around the house for the most part. "Jenn stop this!" I screamed. "I'm not gonna last in jail," she said.

"You won't go to jail. It was an accident. But you're not making this any better!" I screamed. The door finally cracked open and the police were now trying to make contact. "She barricaded the door and my brother has a knife in his chest!" I screamed. I ducked as Jennifer jumped across the couch for me.

I pushed harshly against the book shelf and wooden computer desk with everything I had. They slid and the book shelf toppled over. I fell with it. I got up and turned just in time to be hit with a bat.

I can't say I felt the impact. I just remember hearing the struggle around me. I remember some screaming. I remember being moved. I remember red and blue and more screaming.

I sighed heavily looking at the huge bruise against the right of my face. Diana was busy on her tablet as I walked back and forth in the hospital room. She wouldn't tell me anything about my brother other than the fact he made it downstairs alive.

"He's a tough boy. I'm sure he'll be fine," she assured me. My mother barged in , in absolute tears and we embraced. "I'm so glad you're okay," she cried and she started laughing.

"I don't know how I'm not in pieces right now," she said and I nodded taking a seat on the bed. "So how's Zachary?" I asked and she went quiet.

"Mommy you and Diana are scaring me? How is he?!" I started screaming with tears flooding down my face. She wouldn't say anything. I ducked past her and skirted out of Diana's reach. "Ava!" I heard Diana demand but I ignored it. I ran through the hospitals emergency wing looking for my brother.

"Miss!" I was constantly called by the workers. I finally saw a glimpse of Zachary through one window and went in. I screamed. He had tubes everywhere going in and out with an oxygen mask. I was being restrained as I tried so desperately to get to him.

"He doesn't deserve any of this!" I screamed. "Permission to sedate her," a male voice asked and then not too long after I felt a sharp pain in my arm. My eyes shut on me.

I woke up in the warm embrace of Diana in her room, in her home. How did I get here? I didn't care much. I tried to move but she held me tighter. "You had to be sedated twice and you hit your head on your way to the car. If I let you go , you must not panic and you must not wake your mother in the room over," she said and I nodded. "Verbal response," she reminded and I sighed. "Yes Mistress," I mumbled and she let me go after kissing my sweet spot.

I took a quick shower and threw on sweats and a tank top. After I was done with my morning routine I went into Diana's study. There stood my mother and Lilah laughing while Diana smiled and typed away on her computer.

It infuriated me and Diana shot me a glare of "act-right". I turned on my heels and went into the kitchen. Lilah followed behind me. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed. She sighed and then said, "I think we would be really good friends if you gave me a chance."

"Go to hell Lilah," I spat and began to walk away when she grabbbed my wrist. I smacked her into the counter and then opened one of the overhead cupboards , smacking her in the forehead. She opened her mouth to yell and I went knock her across the jaw when I felt someone grab my wrist and arm snake around waist. "That's enough little one," Diana mumbled into my neck in a soft tone.

"Lilah I trust you can figure yourself out for a moment?" Diana said while pulling me out onto the back patio.

"Damn it Diana! Who is she?!" I snapped. "That is future you. It's the only she's this close to base," she said a raking a hand through some of her curls.

"Future me? What the fuck?! How could she live like that?" I asked in disgust.

"She's not. It's a headspace. She can turn it on and off when she needs to. You refuse to enter yours," she said placing her hands on her hips.

"A headspace?" I asked and she sighed darkly getting annoyed. "I could keep you in the dungeon for six hours a day like I do my other subs when I train them and you'd be the most obedient non-hesitant sub on the planet. I want you to know the role you signed up for at the same time I don't want you trapped in headspace like many others," Diana explained.

"You've trapped them in headspace?" I asked and she shook her head. "No, once out the dungeon most of it was over. Lucas however had two weeks and so I kept him on edge for a majority of it. Some submissives hop from dom to dom so quickly they get trapped in and it takes a lot to pull them out so many don't," she explained and I nodded.

"Ava you pull that shit again and it's not gonna fly. You have four days to find your headspace and sit in it or Lilah is going to be my main attraction at the event," she threatened and walked off.

Oh hell no.

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