Square Uno

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Ava's POV

After two days of Diana's treatment of minimum words and not touching her I went back to my apartment. It had been two weeks now. Jennifer and I made eye contact every now and then but said nothing. I was too angry to be heart broken. I had so many questions but Diana would answer none. She showed me little to no attention in class. I had skipped Friday thinking maybe she would call and ask if I was okay but she didn't.

So as I walked through the corridors after the gruesome six hour class I couldn't handle it anymore and I felt myself submitting to heartbreak. I headed to confront her but tears formed behind my eyes and I ducked off into the opposite direction. As I rounded the corner I bumped right into Diana. I had accidentally taken in her strong scent.

The tears poured violently and I tried to hide my face from her as I picked up my books. She put her finger underneath my chin and forced me to look up at her. "I owe you a conversation at the least," she promised. "You know where to find me in the night little girl," she whispered into the spot behind my ear.

It sent tingles through me and I didn't know how to react as she walked off. My body almost seemed to be incapable of moving. This feeling was new and I couldn't shake it even after listening to her heels click out of earshot down the hall.

I went home and wrenched through my closet looking for something provocative to wear. I settled on black heels, short jean shorts with rips in them with a matching jean jacket showing a lacy black tank top. I let my hair hang freely and took a deep breath as I checked myself in the mirror.

My room door opened and I was met with Jennifer. "I uhm ... you're like," she dropped her shoulders and head and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for-" I cut her off with a hug. "Your my sister whether you fuck my brother and Lucas separately or in the same room. That's your business and I had no reason to be upset," I said and she sighed in relief. "Thank god because I didn't prepare a speech at all," she chuckled and I released the hug.

"Diana has been a power trip lately. Then again the big party is in two weeks," she said and my eyebrows furrowed. "Big party?" I questioned and her jaw dropped. "How could you not know? Every 3 months high members of the community hold a community party. The entire community is literally there. Diana's are usually the greatest , she's wealthiest of them all and the Head Mistress-"

"Making Derek Wynter what?" I cut her off and she stuttered. Her mouth open and closed at a loss for words. "Mr. Wynter was Head Master. Most feared domme yet most respected. It wasn't until they divorced and she hopped from sub to sub, dominating them in the oddest ways that she was given Head Mistress," she informed me.

"What makes you her submissive?" I asked and she shrugged. "She's only trained them and handed them off. You'd have to ask Lucas.." she trailed off and I decided to leave her alone there. "Well don't want to keep the 'Head Mistress' waiting," I said laughing and Jennifer shook her head at me wide eyed.

"Don't take it lightly," she warned and a pang of fear ran up my spine.

I made it to Feu Bleu and into her office where she was typing away at some laptop. She peered above it, her blue eyes striking submission into me. I don't understand why I was feeling this. I was so angry with the woman not to long ago but now I felt almost apologetic and grateful for any attention she would give me. I needed her.

She closed her laptop and stood up, waking around her desk, her fingers tracing the wooden edges. She walked slowly towards me and then circled me.

"Drop to your knees," she commanded and at my hesitation she kicked a spot in my right leg causing my leg to bed unwillingly and she pushed down on my left shoulder, bringing me to my knees. I heard a lock slide into place and some beeps as if dialing a phone number. The sound of the club disappeared and it was silence now.

Diana was behind me and as I turned my head to look at her I felt her lips to my ear. "You look straight ahead. Understood?"

I nodded and I felt a really harsh tug on my hair making me yelp. "Am I understood?" she said again in a smooth tone, unbothered by my signal of discomfort. "Yes Mistress," I replied and she stood and walked to her desk. She sat on her desk and pulled out a packet of paper that was stapled together like booklet.

"I want you to repeat after me, I Ava Greene, hereinafter referred to as submissive," I repeated her words slowly, focusing intently on where her words were going. "Do of my own free will and being of sound mind and body," I continued cautiously. "Offer myself in consensual submission to Diana Elizabeth, hereinafter referred to as Mistress."

The words rolled off my tongue with want and fear all at the same time. I didn't know what I was getting into but I was willing to learn how to love to this women properly. The way I needed her like a drug, I wanted her to want me. She halted me from repeating her and continued to read.

I picked up the key points. I submitted everything to here at every moment. I was her submissive and she in every way owned me. The way I dressed , wore my hair, where I went ... all must be approved by her. My body was hers to do as she pleased when and where without question. "...they now solely exist for the pleasure of their Mistress."

I felt like I was holding a lot responsibility when I truly wasn't. There was such a freedom in this cage like life. Her topic changed.

"The Mistress agrees to care for the submissive, to arrange for the safety and well-being of the submissive, as long as they own them. The Mistress also accepts the commitment to treat the submissive properly, to train,  punish, care for the submissive, and use them as they see fit." Diana raised an eyebrow at me as I began to fidget and I cursed myself. She smirked and went back down to the lengthy booklet but she was however a couple pages in and had skipped some pages. I could see there were things highlighted. Key points.

"Mistress agrees to furnish the submissive with a symbolic token of ownership. The submissive agrees to wear this symbol at all times, except when Mistress states to do so would be inappropriate or would non-contractually involve others. Mistress accepts full responsibility of the submissive. This includes but is not limited to their: survival, health, physical well-being, and mental well-being."

She said this in a strong voice, and glanced at me constantly while saying it. It was her promise to me. "They acknowledge the safe word is 'mercy' and the safe word is 'perfection'".

She was silent for a minute and then said, "The submissive may not seek any other Mistress or lover or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way without the Mistress's permission; to do so will be considered a breach of contract, and will result in extreme punishment or termination of contract."

She placed the booklet on her desk and stood. "However pet-" I scoffed and she smirked and gave me the come here gesture. She placed a pen in my hand and pointed to the booklet which held her signature and a date. "So do I have a contract with you?" I asked.

"For you Ava I couldn't possibly price," she answered even though this did not completely answer my question. I signed the contract and Diana smiled and placed the booklet in a filing cabinet. "I have two weeks to train you and you have two weeks to earn it," she said. "Earn what?" I asked and her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Now there is something each submissive has on tonight and every night honestly that they each hold very dear to them," Diana said moving about her own club. Diana moved as if royalty and people smiled and bowed heads to her and acknowledged her presence, clearing the direction in which we walked. After two hours Diana took me home to pack some things.

"Still no idea?" she asked as she buckled up. I shook my head and she sighed. "You'll figure it by the end of the night," she said. The car ride was silent.

When she opened her house door she had me follow her into the basement. My face must have went pale as fear engulfed my very existence. "Whose been a good boy?" Diana asked if speaking to a dog and it made me cringe but what really shocked me was Lucas chained to the wall in a case of sweat. A puddle of god knows what below him. How long had he been there?

"Good evening Mistress," Lucas said and he obviously had cotton mouth. "Evening plaything," she said and took the cuffs off his feet and now he uncomfortably hung by his arms. He wiggled his legs freely that hung a couple inches off the ground. He was completely naked except for the thick collar around his neck. THAT'S IT!

"A collar?" I said with resistance. Why would I want to earn that?

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