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Diana's POV

"I say we just run down on that fool. In all honesty," Twain said walking back and forth in my office. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my seat. "Haven't you caught onto anything working with Dmitri?" I asked and he shrugged.

"He wastes a lot of time," he complained finally sitting down. Robby entered and I looked up anxiously. "Well?" I asked and he smiled brightly and swung his book bag forward.

"Derek enlisted the help of some inner city street gangs," he said. Twain glanced up at his brother for the first time. "Say what?" he asked and then glanced at me.

"Shocked?" I asked. "No ... we get low people in high places all the time asking for bodies. He said Derek got some though. Why more than one? Which ones?"

I smirked, "Low people in high places. I appreciate the compliment. Also how much bodies do you think an inner city street gang has? Not much. We need eyes and ears everywhere not just where we plan on doing business. What do you have for me Robby?" he asked.

I looked up at him and he pulled out a folder. "The list of the gangs is on the first sheet. Every page after that is the head of each leader. They shouldn't be hard to find individually," he said and I smiled, "Where did you find this?"

He smiled back, "My father's external hard drive." Twain narrowed his eyes at him.

I glanced at the first page. "Twain you work closely with your father when your not working for me?" I asked and he nodded.

"His gang .. their the Los Vaupos right?"

Twain looked at me with a confused look and nodded slowly. "Well ... you work for Derek now," I said and his eyes widened.

"You knew?" I asked. We both went for our guns.

We were aiming at each other. "If I kill you I have to kill your brother," I said and Robby pulled his gun on me. It had a silencer on it. I played cool and collected but I was nervous. This was unpredicted.

"I have to admit. You have me a little worried here Twain. I've done a lot of right by you. You don't even need your father or his gang because of me," I spoke calmly and he shook his head. "It's a loyalty thing. Don't take it personal," he said and took his gun off safety.

Robby shot Twain in his hand. "Ah fuck! You little-" He went to grab Robby and Robby shot him again.

"What the fuck Robby..." Twain gasped as he held his side and tumbled to the floor. Robby didn't say anything but a man dressed really well with three men came in the office.

"Diana...One second," I looked up at and saw Carlitos Vaupo. Twain and Robby's father. "I think I remember telling you to turn down that deal with Derek," he questioned Twain. "He offered more. He has the better deal! The money, the work, the property ... I'm sick of working for her! We could do so much better," he coughed.

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you," he said. "... Ramirez. You know what to do ..." he said and the two men collected him off the floor and dragged him out the office. The third one he addressed as Ramirez stood by the door.

"Don't be mad at Robby for bringing me here. He was just doing what he was told. As for my deal with Derek. I never gave the okay. Twain was supposed to turn it down. However ... since the deal is made. Let's talk pros..." I raised an eyebrow and gestured Robby to sit.

"So when I get home tonight I'm going to have a long stern talk with my son. I might send him off for a couple days to clear his head so he won't be able to come in for awhile," he said leaning back comfortable in his seat.

He was wearing a black short sleeve button up, washed up dark grey denim jeans and pointed dress shoes. "This is very different from your usual attire," I said looking at Robby and then thinking of Twain. They dressed very ... urban.

"I decided fitting in would make it easier to get to you," he chuckled.

"Twain could potentially be a lose end," Robby said and his father nodded in agreement. Carlitos glanced at me and said, "I'll keep him under control. He's my son ... it's not so simple as any other man who has crossed me."

"I could only imagine," I empathized and he stood, "Robby ... you do everything Ms. Elizabeth tells you."

"One question ... what do you have against Derek Wynter?" I asked and he opened the folder on my desk.

"He asked for my help. Also for the help of the Oakdale Boys and G10. We have major issues with these punks right now señorita.. I'm sure you understand," he said and then left.

"Robby you remember when you filled in for Lucas?" He nodded and I him instructed to play that role now. He nodded and left. I took a deep breath and put my gun back.

Dmitri entered and I sighed heavily. "Come to pick my brain?" I asked and he chuckled, "No ... but I saw the camera. You were never in any real danger. Robby and I had a long chat."

I raised an eyebrow at him and he sat down. "Ava is the same as she was yesterday ... they're thinking of calling it-"

"Don't. Just don't..."

"Jennifer has been properly relocated. She's being watched and if she even thinks of making noise... Nobody will hear her begging for mercy ... not even G-d. Twain ... would be a risky move for an amateur. If I or Deniska made a move it would backfire. They know we're working for you and I think Carlitos is very aware I don't like my clients crossed or at gunpoint," he said I smiled at his determination.

"One day you don't trust me and the next your willing to kill anybody and anything that glances at me the wrong way," I said with a smile and he sighed, "I spoke to my father about you. Alek spoke on your behalf but so did your lineage. Your history. Derek doesn't know you enlisted our help and I don't think he expects it neither seeing as though Alek is keeping him stupid," he said and then stood to leave.

"My history?" I asked.

He spun around, "Don't play dumb with me Ms. Eliz. Generals have gone missing, planes, presidents assassinated, bombs dropped, villages burned and lands salted, entire towns destroyed all leading back to a fucking ghost with the last name of Eliz. If I don't satisfy myself with the way you want to kill Derek Wynter and lose my head my entire family might go down, we barely got away with going after him the first time. For that reason precisely is why you hired us and no other. As soon as our name goes on it , it doesn't matter what role you played... "

He left and I stood there jaw dropped. Where is he getting his info from?

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