Cuddle Party - 5sos

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"Whoooooo!" you heard as the front door to your shared flat was slammed shut. You rolled your eyes, knowing exactly who it was. You got up and walked to the living room, plopping down on the couch.

"How was the party?" you asked, watching as the boys stumbled into the room.

"It was awesome!" Luke giggled, tripping over the table and landing on his bum. "Whooooops! I didn't see you there!" He smiled, patting the table. "Hehehe, sorry Mr. Table."

Ashton sighed, "I'm tirrred." He sat next to you leaning his head on your shoulder.

"THE PARTY WAS PARTAAAYLICIOUS!" Michael shouted, belly-flopping onto you and Ashton's lap.

Calum groaned, flopping onto the other side of the couch, "Shut uuuuup, my head hurts."

Luke was still giggling on the floor, lying flat on his back. Suddenly, he rolled over, lying over your feet. "Help me, the room is spinning!" he laughed, clutching onto your leg.

You rolled your eyes humorously, glancing to the side as you heard a loud snore coming from your right. Ashton was asleep, his head in the crook if your neck, a small smile on his face. You then looked to your left and saw Calum asleep, his mouth agape as he leaned onto your arm.

"Hehehe, foot," Luke giggled, poking your foot. He curled around your legs, holding onto them tightly. You soon heard Luke's breathing slow, telling you he was asleep.

"IT'S A CUDDLE PARTY!" Michael yelled, holding onto your torso. "I LOVE CUDDLE PARTIES!"

"Shhh," you giggled, holding a finger over your lips. "They're sleeping."

Michael tilted his head up, looking at his sleeping friends. "WHOoOoo I won..." Michael cheered quietly, slowly drifting off to sleep.

You giggled softly, gazing warmly at your best friends. "What am I going to do with you."

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