You tapped your foot anxiously against the smooth wooden floor of your bedroom. It was midnight. You were studying; at least, that's what your family thought you were doing. A fast rap on the window made you jump, causing your heart to race. You quickly got up from your bed and moved toward the window, pushing the curtains aside to see who, or what, it was. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you opened your window as quietly as you could. There, on the tree branch that was conveniently right next to your window, was your boyfriend and older brothers best friend, Luke Hemmings. You shivered as the cold night air crept into your room, and frowned worryingly as you noticed he was wearing nothing but a thin flannel and skinny jeans.
"Luke! It's freezing!" you whispered, moving aside to let him in.
You watched as he awkwardly climbed through your window, his long limbs barely fitting. You held out your hand to help him, but before you could so much as touch him, he fell onto your floor with a loud thud.
As you helped him up, you couldn't help but panic. Your room was on the second floor of your house, right above the living room. And, you knew that your Mom and older brother were downstairs in the living room. Shaking the worry from your mind, you adverted your attention to Luke, your brow creasing with worry.
"Are you okay?" you asked.
He nodded as a small smile blossomed on his face.
"That went better than usual," he joked.
Despite the situation, you giggled, a large grin slipping onto your lips.
"Yup," you sing-songed as you plopped onto your bed.
You smiled as he jumped onto your bed beside you, pulling you into his chest.
"Hush babe," you warned, waiting for the loud creaks of your old bed to quiet.
He sighed, pouting childishly.
"I hate how we have to meet in secret all the time," he confessed, snuggling his head in the crook of your neck.
"Me too... but you know how Ash is," you answered, playing with his messy quiff.
"Mhm," he hummed, tickling your neck slightly.
You glared at him as he gave you an innocent smile, his eyes as wide as saucers. You sighed, letting it slide as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, causing a large smile to turn the corners of your lips.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Your smile dropped immediately; panic surging through your body. You looked toward Luke and saw he looked just as scared as you.
"Give me a minute!" you shouted.
You quickly untangled yourself from Luke and lunged toward your desk, sitting as quietly as you could on your chair and opening the first book your hands touched. You flicked your eyes toward your bed, hoping that Luke had somewhere to hide. A small smile found your face as you saw him wave from under your bed, his silhouette just barely visible from where you were sat.
"I'm coming in anyways!" Ash yelled.
You turned toward the door just as it was opened, revealing your older brother, tired and haggard.
"What's up?" you asked as you closed the book.
He shrugged as he walked into your room and sat on your bed, "Mom told me to tell you goodnight for her and that to not stay up too late."
You nodded, your foot beginning to tap once more.
"Well, I'm probably going to go to bed as well," he sighed, standing up off your bed.

5 Seconds Of Summer Imagines
FanfictionThis is for the 5sos Fam that are out there! Requests are open. Hope you like it!!!