"Ugh!" you yelled, throwing the closest thing to you, which happened to be your pillow, against the wall, a dull thump resounding around your room. You sobbed violently as your knees buckled, clutching your tousled hair. Your boyfriend of eight months had just broken it off over text, offering you no explanation. He refused to answer any of your questions when you asked, replying with only biting remarks and complaints.
You set your hand on the ground to support the rest of your body, jumping slightly when it came in contact with something cold. Curling your fingers around the object, you lifted it up as you tried to wipe your tears so you could see clearer with your free hand. You gave up after your third try as tears replaced the ones you removed. You sniffled as you realised that it was your phone and hastily unlocked it, speed dialling your first emergency contact, Ashton.
You struggled to get your emotions under control as you waited for him to pick up, failing miserably as another wave of emotions hit you, causing you to sob even harder.
"Hello?" Ashton asked, his voice ringing loud and clear.
You cleared your throat, trying to find your voice. "A-Ash?" You flinched slightly at the sound of your voice. It was thick and gravelly, scratching your throat as you spoke.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong? What's happened? Are you alright?" he gushed, worry and concern lacing his words.
"You sniffled, wiping your nose, "N-no."
"Okay, okay. I'm coming over," he rushed, his voice going in and out of focus. You could just barely hear his footsteps, fast and frantic.
"N-no, Ash. It's okay. I'm-I'm okay," you stuttered, wiping your wet cheeks with the corner of your sleeve. "The roads are icy. I don't want you to get hurt."
"Nope. Nothing you say will keep me from coming, and that's final." he said sternly. You could hear the sound of jingling keys and a door opening, and you knew that there was no point in arguing with him.
You sighed, sagging lower towards the floor, "Okay, okay. But drive safe okay?"
"When do I not?" he asked, the sound of a car door opening and closing echoed in the background.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, a small, strangled laugh escaping your lips, "That's funny."
"Shut up," he giggled, "I gotta go. Will you be okay until I get there?" He asked, suddenly serious.
You nodded, forgetting for a moment that he couldn't see you. You cleared your throat awkwardly, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment, "Uh, yea, I'll be okay."
"Okay, I'll be there soon." you heard him mutter. And then the line went dead, the temporary distraction gone. Your thoughts drifted back to your now ex-boyfriend, questions buzzing in your mind. You sniffled pitifully once more, crawling on all fours to the other side of your room and reaching out for your pillow. You curled your fingers around the pillow and clutched it to your chest, leaning your back against the wall and curling into a ball. Tears began streaming down your face again, your whole body shaking with sobs.
Was is your fault? Was it something you did? Did you do something to set this off? Did he grow tired of you? Wait... did he like you in the first place? Was he using you? Were you just a rebound? Did he even care?
More and more negative thoughts swarmed through your mind, your sobs growing more and more violent with each one. You jumped when you heard your front door slam shut, heavy footsteps echoing around your house. You tilted your head upward as your room door opened, revealing an out of breath Ashton. His forehead creased when his gaze landed on you, tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. You forced a weak smile onto your face before your bottom lip began to tremble, your shoulders shaking with the effort you were making to not cry. Soon, it became to much, and you let out a strangled sob, hiding behind your pillow.
"Oh babe," he whispered, speeding toward you and dropping onto his knees, wrapping one arm around your shoulder as the other rubbed your arm comfortingly. "What happened?"
"H-he... he broke up with me," you choked out, a fresh round of sobs wracking your body. You heard a low, deep growl rumble from his chest, causing you to look up. You blinked the tears away as you studied his face. his lips were pressed into a tight line, his eyes dark with anger.
"I'm going to kill him," he whispered, just barely loud enough for you to hear.
"I'll help," you added jokingly, trying to alleviate the tension. You wiped your cheeks, curving your lips up into a small, strained smile.
He nodded, the corner of his lip twitching upward slightly. You sniffled and rubbed your nose, yelping in surprise as he suddenly slipped one arm under your knees, picking you up bridal style. He carried you to your bed, laying you down before slipping beside you, resting one arm on his stomach. He slipped his arm under your neck, letting you use it as a pillow as he entwined his one hand with the one you placed on his stomach. His legs tangled with yours as he planted a gentle kiss on the top your head.
"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" he asked, genuine concern colouring his voice.
You shook your head, snuggling further into him, "Just being here is enough."
You felt his lips press against your hair once more, your lips curving up slightly in response. You felt a bubble of emotions in your chest, your eyes widening in realisation. How have you never realised before? You smacked your palm against your forehead and looked up at Ashton, a loving smile on your face.
"What?" he asked, his eyes filled with questions.
"I'm an idiot," you murmured. How had it taken you this long to realise that you were completely in love with your best friend? The one who had been there for you all along. Through the heartache and the pain, he had been there all this time, and you finally knew that he was the one for you.
"No you're not," he spoke, his brow furrowed. "If anything, he's the idiot. He's the one who broke up with the most amazing girl in the world."
"Ash," you giggled, smiling at how adorable he was. He completely missed the point, but you found your cheeks heating up at his words, your chest blossoming with warmth.
"No, I'm serious," he pressed, his eyes wide.
You rolled eyes, a large grin on your face, "I love you."
"I love you too," he grinned, planting a quick kiss on your forehead. You rolled your eyes yet again. No matter how adorable he was, he was super dense, and you knew you were going to have to be more blunt about your feelings. Even blunter then straight out saying them. You sighed and gathered up all of your courage, leaning forward and pressing your lips against his. The response was immediate, his hands finding the back of your head to keep you in place. After a few moments, you pulled away, a large grin on your face. you giggled at his expression. He had an almost dazed look on his face, a large smile on his lips.
"No Ash. I love you," you repeated, adding emphasis to the 'love'. You raised your eyebrows as you waited for his reaction, giggling once more as his eyes lit up, a cute laugh escaping his lips.
"Really?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You nodded, biting your lips. You cuddled back into his chest as a large smile made its way onto your face, blushing deep crimson as his chest shook with ecstatic laughter, his laugh light and melodic.
"I love you too," he replied, his lips pressing against your hair. You felt him pull back slightly, his chin resting on top your head. "You don't know how long I've waited for you to say that," he gushed, squeezing you gently.
"I think I might," you answered, inhaling deeply. He smelt almost earthy, familiar and comforting. Your ex already forgotten, you let yourself drift off to sleep, exhausted from crying, but happy and warm with Ashton by your side.

5 Seconds Of Summer Imagines
FanfictionThis is for the 5sos Fam that are out there! Requests are open. Hope you like it!!!