Don't Let Go - Calum Hood

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You wiped your hands nervously against your denim black jean shorts and mussed with your hair, practically shaking with excitement. You were one of the lucky winners of a competition. The reward was meeting one of your favourite bands, 5 Seconds of Summer.

You shuffled forward as the short line grew smaller and smaller until you were the first and last person in line, faint screams echoing through the chocolate brown door that separated you from your idols. You gave a tight, thin smile to the bodyguard standing in front of said door. He was incredibly tall, burly, and very, very intimidating.

Too quickly, the girl that went in about fifteen minutes ago exited the room, a bright ruby blush on her round cheeks and a cheerful smile on her cherry red lips, her giving you an excited thumbs up before she practically bounced out of the building entirely.

You felt your heart drop to the pit of your stomach and a large lump form in the back of your throat. You stepped forward cautiously as the bodyguard held the door open for you, a shiver of anticipation running down your spine.

You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes as you saw them standing against the furthest wall from the door. They all looked almost bored, but, the moment there eyes landed on you, wide smiles replaced there previously monotonous expression. Before either of you could so much as utter a hello, you felt your legs move on their own, launching yourself at the closest person who just so happened to be Ash.

He greeted you with his arms spread wide open, his signature giggle that you've only heard through the speaker of your phone bubbling out of his lips, his large radiant smile making two cute dimples reveal themselves on his tan, stubble-ridden cheeks. He released you after a few moments, a warmth that wasn't in your chest before now present. Only seconds after you were released, you found yourself enveloped in another pair of arms.

You let out a small laugh as you realised it was Luke you returning his hug swiftly. You felt your face grow hot as his lips brushed against your cheek, a pleasant burning sensation lingering in the place his lips were planted only a few moments before. He squeezed you tight before letting go.

Michael was next, and as you shifted your gaze to him, you noticed that his eyes were crinkled in the corners slightly, the massive smile on his face reaching his eyes. He practically tackled you in a hug, his head on your shoulder with his lips just barely touching your ear.

"What's your name love?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"(Y/N)," you answered.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he complimented, leaning his head back so you could see the cheeky wink he gave you.

You felt your cheeks heat up immediately, your fingers fiddling with the hem of your shirt as you pulled away from the hug.

"Thank you," you whispered, not trusting your voice for fear it would crack.

You felt your heart pound faster as you turned toward the last person, Calum. He was your favourite member from the band. You loved them all, but there was just something about him that peaked your interest.

You smiled wide as you realised that his arms were already spread open, awaiting your hug. You practically ran to him, his arms wrapping snugly around your back, your head buried in his chest. You felt the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed, the rhythm calming your erratic heart. Suddenly, you felt a crushing wave of overwhelming happiness, causing large hot tears start to slip down your cheeks and soak into his shirt.

"Sorry," you apologised, pulling an arm back to try and wipe the tears away from your face.

You felt bad for getting his shirt wet, but you lacked the control of stopping and your wiping was doing nothing to stop the flow, tears falling down your face in a faster succession.

He giggled cutely, his chest vibrating with laughter, "It's okay."

You panicked as he began to release you, not wanting to have to let go yet. You tightened your arms in reaction, burying your head further into his cologne-scented t-shirt.

"Don't let go... please," you spoke, your face flushed with embarrassment.

He nodded as he wrapped his arms back around you, tightening his grip.

"Okay," he whispered back, his head resting on the top of yours. "I won't."

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