"Luke Robert Hemmings! If you don't wake up and get ready for school now you're grounded for the rest of the week!" Liz shouted, knocking on the door as she did. "I'm leaving now, you're going to have to walk to school today."
You groggily lifted your head, blushing as you realised you had slept on top of Luke all night. You pulled your phone out, checking the time. Crap. it was 8:15! School starts in ten minutes. There was no way you were going to make it back to your house and get to school on time. You groaned, flopping your head back on Luke's chest.
You felt him stir beneath you and looked up, meeting his tired gaze.
"Good morning," he grinned, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You half smiled, "Morning."
"What time is it?" he asked.
You sighed, resting your head in your hands, "8:15."
"Crap!" he shouted whilst sitting up, carefully manoeuvring you onto his lap.
You both scrambled to your feet, gathering your school supplies.
"Can I borrow one of your shirts?" you asked, zipping your bag up.
"Here," he smiled, chucking you a black ATL shirt.
"Thanks," you smiled, walking out of his room. You opened the door to the bathroom, closing it behind you.
You examined your appearance in the mirror, cringing at the sight of your mane. After a few minutes of trying to tame your wild hair, you gave up, tossing it into a messy bun. You took off your shirt afterwards, stuffing it into your school bag. The door opened just before you got the ATL shirt on, a blushing Luke behind it.
He immediately yelled, holding his hands over his eyes. "I'm sorry! Sorry!" he yelled, rushing out of the room. You had turned around to throw the shirt on, flushing bright red. You could hear a loud crash as the door closed, followed by a surprised "oh." Despite the situation, you laughed, walking out of the restroom. You laughed even harder at what you saw. Luke was on the floor, a pile of books and supplies scattered around him, sporting he most hilarious dumb-founded face you'd ever seen. After you had finished your bought of laughter, you bent down, picking his supplies up. You handed him what you had managed to gather and ran to the kitchen, slipping two slices of toast in the toaster. You then bolted to the cupboard, whipping out some Vegemite and splattering it on the toast.
"Luke! I got breakfast! Can you get my bag?" you shouted, rushing to the front door to put your shoes on.
"Already on it," he smiled, walking up to you. You exchanged a slice of toast for your bag and opened the door, waiting on the steps for Luke to lock the house up.
He then swiftly turned around and grabbed your hand, running towards the school.
"Luke, wait!" you laughed, struggling to keep up. "My legs aren't as long as yours, you doofus."
He rolled his eyes playfully, "Oh right." He suddenly picked you up bridal style, continuing his sprint towards school.
"Luke!" you squealed, clinging onto his neck for dear life.
"Don't worry about it," he laughed, winking down at you.
"I have every right to be worried! You're even clumsier then me!" you shouted, looking at the ground worryingly.
"Like I said, don't worry about it!"
You sighed, glaring up at him. After a few minutes, your eyes softened as you admired the determination look on his face, his forehead sweating slightly.
A few moments later, his pace slowed to a jog, the noise of chattering students growing closer. You looked down at your phone, letting out a sigh of relief. 8:23, made it to school with 2 minutes to spare.
"Okay Luke, you can put me down now," you smiled. looking up at him.
He smiled cheekily, winking at you, "I don't think so princess."
"Luke! Put me down!" you whisper shouted, your cheeks growing hot as he entered the school. You looked around the hall, watching as everyone whispered excitedly about you and Luke.
"She's wearing his shirt!"
"He's carrying her! That's so adorable!"
"I ship it!"
You buried your head in Luke's chest, embarrassed out of your mind. He giggled at your response, walking toward your locker.
He set you down on your feet, leaving his arms wrapped around your waist. "So when's our next study date?"
"It's a date?" you teased, laughing as his cheeks got progressively redder.
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, suddenly losing all of his confidence, "I-I mean, if you want it to be a date."
"I'd love for it to be a date," you grinned, smiling up at him.
"Great," he grinned. "Well I really should be off-"
"Wait!" you shouted, grabbing his wrist. You stood on your toes, planting a kiss on his cheek. "I'll see you in Geometry."
He nodded, his face flushed and his eyes wide, "Yea, I-I'll uh... I'll see you there."
You giggled softly as you watched him walk off, shaking your head. How did you end up here?

5 Seconds Of Summer Imagines
FanfictionThis is for the 5sos Fam that are out there! Requests are open. Hope you like it!!!