I'm Not A Nerd... I'm Punk Rock - Michael Clifford

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"I am ready to die," you murmured as you stood in front of your new high school's front door.

You were new. New to the school, new to the city, heck... you were new to the whole freakin' country. You sucked in a deep breath and opened the door. Walking up to the front desk, you nervously messed with your hair, waiting for the woman to notice you.

You weren't only new, you were also terribly, terribly late. The whole universe seemed to be against you lately, making your phone die in the middle of the night, even though it was on charge, meaning that you had no alarm to wake you up. You had slept in for an extra hour, and since your parents had to go to work early, you had no means of getting to school except walking the full five miles.

After a few seconds of the lady not looking up from her computer screen, you awkwardly cleared your throat, shuffling your feet nervously.

"Excuse me miss? I'm new here, (Y/N Y/L/N), and I didn't get my schedule in the mail... do you think you could maybe get it for me?" you asked.

She nodded, a large fake smile plastered on her face. Just before she handed you the small slip of paper, you heard the door behind you slam open, loud puffs of air being breathed in and out. You shifted your attention toward the person, seeing a boy about my age, maybe a bit older. He looked almost alarmed, sweat trickling down the sides of his face. He walked up to the desk lady, an almost sheepish smile on his lips.

"Sorry I'm late. Alarm didn't go off," he explained, mussing his dirty blonde fringe with his hand.

You felt your cheeks heat up slightly, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious. he was very... very attractive.

The woman just nodded and handed him a tiny slip of paper.

"Well Mr. Clifford, seeing as you know your way around the school, why don't you help Miss (Y/L/N) to her class," the lady spoke.

You felt your cheeks grow warmer as he looked at you. You noticed that he immediately flushed, an almost nervous expression on his face.

"O-okay," he stuttered, shuffling slowly toward you.

You both started walking together, the atmosphere tense and awkward.

"Well... I'm Michael," he introduced, glancing toward you.

"I'm (Y/N)," you responded.

"That's a pretty name," he complimented, his voice barely above a whisper.

You felt your cheeks heat back up, the corners of your lips shifting upwards slightly, "Thanks."

"What class do you have?" he asked, stopping in the middle of the empty hallway.

"Trig with Mr. Irving," you spoke.

"Me too," he said, a small smile on his face.

You smiled back, the corners of your eyes crinkling slightly as relief filled your mind. At least you won't be completely alone.



You breathed a sigh of relief as the final bell rang, the school day finally over. You took your time gathering your things, stalling as much as you could. You still didn't have a ride, and you really didn't want to walk home.

When you finally got all of your things, the classroom was practically empty. You slowly walked out of the room and started down the hallway. As you got closer to the turn, you heard a loud bang on the lockers coming from the right, followed by loud laughs.

You quickly turned the corner, your eyes widening when you saw Michael pinned against the lockers by a tall, burly boy with the boys two cronies egging him on a few feet away.

You practically sprinted toward them, shouting at the top of your lungs, "Hey arseholes!"

Your body acted before your brain could think, and you found yourself hurling your pencil pouch at the bully holding Michael. Your eyes widened in shock as it hit the bully just as he turned his head toward you, hitting him straight in the eye.

The bully shouted in pain, letting go of Michael. The boy turned toward you, practically lunging for you. You cowered backwards, not even having enough time to hold your hands up to protect your face. Suddenly, a loud thump resounded around the hall with Michael standing protectively in front of you and the bully on the floor.

"I knew you were an arse, but I never thought you would stoop as low as to hit a girl," Michael growled, his face replaced with anger.

The bully's cronies had bolted by now, leaving him on his own.

You stayed frozen for a few moments longer, too scared to move. After a few seconds, Michael turned toward you, a worried look on his face. It was only now that you realised that his shirt was slightly torn, revealing bruises on his chest where the boy had been grappling him.

"Michael... you're hurt," you whispered, concern lacing your voice.

He just shrugged, seemingly unconcerned with his progressively darkening bruises.

You jumped slightly as the bully began to stand up, a hateful glare on his face.

Michael immediately whipped around, a protective arm shielding you from the boy.

Thankfully, the boy began to walk away, but not before spitting one more threat, "You're gonna pay for that... nerd."

You watched as Michael rolled his eyes, brushing off the hateful comment.

You grasped Michael's wrist, him leading the both of you to the front of the school, seeing as you still didn't know your way around. Just before you left the hallway, you heard Michael whisper, "I'm not a nerd... I'm punk rock."

You covered your mouth, small giggles escaping your lips.

"What?" he asked.

"Sure Michael... sure," you laughed.

"Shut up," he mumbled, his cheeks flushing bright red.

"Mhm," you hummed.

"Thank you by the way... for sticking up for me," he spoke.

You felt your cheeks heat up, "You're welcome... and thank you for pushing him away."

He nodded, a small smile on his face, "What a way to start off your school year huh?"

You laughed, nodding in agreement, "Yeah."

"Do you have a ride?" he asked as the both of you exited the school.

You shook your head, your shoulders sagging slightly. During all the commotion, you had forgotten that you had to walk home.

"I could give you a lift if you want," he offered, an adorable blush on his face.

Normally, you wouldn't trust someone you had just met like this, but judging by what you had just went through, you were pretty sure you could trust him.

"That would be nice," you said.

"But I need something in return," he spoke, a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Oh really?" you asked.

"Yeah, a date," he said, his eyes shining with confidence.

Suddenly, you saw his eyes dim slightly, replaced with worry and nerves, "I-I mean... if you- if you want to uh... ya know... go on a date with uh... with me..."

You giggled, a large smile on your face, "I'd like that."

"Really!?" he asked, disbelief clear in his expression.

"Mhm," you nodded.

"Awesome," he murmured, the confidence back.

You both stopped in front of the only car in the parking lot, and you felt your cheeks heat up as he stumbled to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for you.

You smiled as you stepped into his car, watching as he walked back to the drivers side. This was going to be an interesting year.

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