Mistletoe - Calum Hood

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You heard a knock at your door, your older brother's voice calling from outside. "(Y/N), are you ready yet? The boys are coming early for the party remember?"

You looked at your reflection nervously, messing with your hair. You were wearing a cute, red dress that reached mid-thigh and a pair of golden flats. You had a small amount of makeup on, and you held a gold clutch that matched your shoes.

"Yea, I'm ready!" you answered, rushing to open your door. You opened the door to be greeted by an annoyed Luke, but the moment he saw you, his expression softened.

"You look so adorable!" He teased, pinching your cheeks.

He was only a year older than you, but he loved to treat you like you were ages younger just to piss you off.

"Shut up Luke," you blushed, moving his hands away. Suddenly, you heard a knock coming from downstairs and Luke smiled, bolting down the stairway. You could hear the door swung open and a round of excited chattering. 

You nervously walked down the stairs, watching your step. Sometimes you thought that there was only one thing you had in common with Luke, your klutziness. As you walked you could see the boys at the bottom, watching your every move. You blushed, looking down at the ground.

When you got to the final steps, you felt your stomach drop as you slipped, falling forwards. You closed your eyes, expecting to fall flat on the ground. At the last moment, you felt hands wrap around your waist and pull you up. You looked up and saw Calum, smiling cheekily. He was a good foot taller then you, so you had to tilt your head to look at his face. You noticed a faint blush on his cheeks as he let you go, him rubbing the back of his neck.

You began to step away but Michael pushed you back towards Calum. "What do you think you're doing (Y/N)? You need to kiss him first!"

Your eyes widened in shock, "What... what are you talking about?"

You glanced at Ashton for help and he smiled, pointing about your head.

You slowly looked up, and blushed deep crimson when you saw the Mistletoe hanging above your head. Calum followed your gaze, his face turning the same shade of red.

You looked nervously at him, "So... we have to..."

"Yea," he muttered, gazing down at you.

You wrapped your arms around his neck hesitantly, him doing the same to your waist. He leaned down, his face only centimetres from yours. You suddenly felt a surge of boldness and stood on your toes, closing the distance. You didn't know how long the kiss lasted, but to you it felt like an eternity and a second, all at the same time. You could hear the boys cheers, but only faintly, as if there was a wall between you and Calum, and them.

As you pulled away, Calum's eyes were closed, as if to savour the moment.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that," he muttered, opening his eyes slowly. You giggled, pulling him back down to give him another quick kiss on the lips.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that," you smiled, your eyes sparkling.

"Ugh, gross," you heard your brother groan, averting all attention to him.

You glared at him, annoyed, "Luke, you kinda just ruined a moment."

He smirked cheekily, cocking his head to the side, "I'm your older brother, It's kinda my job."

Calum just laughed, holding you close to your chest, "Sorry Luke, but I think I'm in love with your sister."

Luke just shook his head, his lips curved in a smile, "It's fine Cal, I've known for years."

You looked at Luke, smiling, "Sorry bro, but I think I'm in love with one of your best friends."

"AW, THANKS (Y/N)! I LOVE YOU TOO!" Michael shouted, running up to you.

You laughed, leaning your head against Calum's chest. "It's Calum you dork!"

Michael looked at the ground, pretending to be upset. Luke laughed, walking up to Michael. "It's okay Michael, there there." Luke comforted.

"I'm never gonna be happy again!" Michael fake sobbed, wrapping his arms around Luke.

Ashton giggled, glumping Michael and Luke, "Group hug!"

You rolled your eyes, averting your gaze to Calum. "So... are we...?"

Calum nodded, smiling happily, "Yes... we are."

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