"Watch where you step, idiot" Calum Hood, the school number #1 best boy. Muscular, tanned and tattooed, super hot, soccer captain and the school's fuck boy.
"Sorry" I say, tucking some hair be hind my ear as I gather the books that was spread on the ground.
Forgot to mention that he's a jerk.
I walk to place my books in my locker then head to my car and drive home. Dinner is ready and all I have to do is set the table, before I climb up to my room and change to my black sweat pants and white tee. Something comfortable to get through the night with. I slip in my converse and dangle my backpack, filling it with the small toys I just bought and descended downstairs.
I give both my parents a kiss as I leave and start my engine to the only place I feel comfortable in. My car is left in the huge parking lot as I walk the sliding doors and greet Sally the receptionist.
"Hey, (y/n)" she greets back "We are really thankful for you. The kids really love you"
"Oh don't thank me" I say "Can I go up?"
"They're all waiting for you"
I thank her and walk to the lift to go up three floors. The room was at the end corridor and I walk in to the empty playroom. Thirteen kids, with thirteen chairs and I pace a new toy on each.
When I am done, I go and as usual I knock on the thirteen doors. They know my knock and I soon see kids running to the playroom. I walk after them and close the door, watching as each open the wrap and reveal this little surprise. As much as it's amazing to watch them, it really hurts.
It hurts so much to see little kids, not more than ten of age being left alone in blue gowns. Their parents had lost hope on them getting treatment, most of them because of incurable diseases and some in their last cancer stage, and move on with their lives.
"(Y/n)" Casey, cries and I am mobbed by thirteen kids, pushing me to the ground when they hug me.
"Hey, Kids"
"We missed you" Fred says as he runs his hands over his bald head "Look! I grew some hair!"
Little did he know, that it is because they lost hope and stopped Chemotherapy.
Another kid is about to tell me something when the door knocks and Sally walks in "(y/n), I need you"
"But she will play with us" Casey says.
"Sorry, guys" I say "I'll be back soon"
I walk with Sally and she stars leading me downstairs "There's a new volunteer and he wants to work with the kids. Since you're the only one working with them, you will be perfect to guide him"
"Oh! Okay" a new person in the room is something the kids really need. New guide to get to know.
I walk down the lobby with her and that's where it hit me hard. The moment I saw him standing my eyes go wide. He wears black skinny jeans with a Nirvana shirt and he was running his hands through his hair.
"Calum" Sally starts "This is (y/n). She's a volunteer here and she'll help guide you around"
"Okay" he nods and she leaves us standing in silence.
"So are you ready to see them?" I ask, breaking the silence.
I lead him through the corridor to the elevator, explaining everything to him "So there are thirteen kids. Some of them are diagnosed with cancer others with untreatable diseases. It's going to be hard."We stop in front of the door and I look at him before I open the door and we walk in. For a moment it's peaceful as we walk into the kids, sitting at the tables and colouring some Disney Characters.
"Is that your boyfriend, (y/n)?" Fred asks.
"No" I shake my head, but I swear I can feel my cheeks turn tomato red "That's Calum"
"Hey, Calum"
I approach them, Calum dragging at my heels and we kneel beside them grabbing some pencil colours and joining them, helping them out with choosing colours and keeping everything inside the lines.
"Calum, can you read us a story, like (y/n) does?"
"I unfortunately can't read stories" Calum says "But I can play the guitar"
"Really?" I raised my eyebrows, this seems to be one of the ways he uses to get girls, because if he actually does, he'd be in the playground everyday playing the guitar for girls "I think we have a guitar"
Opening the locker, I pick the old guitar and smirking I hand it to him. For a moment he looks nervous, but he sits on the floor, leaning on the wall and adjusted the strings as the kids gather around him.
"I'm not really good at this" he says before he starts singing Drown by Bring Me The Horizon and his voice sends shivers down my spine. For the first time ever, I notice that he has a lisp. But it fits him perfectly. The words run smoothly out of his mouth and his long fingers pull on the strings softly.
For the next thirty minutes, he is playing the songs the little kids requested and after that, they jumped on him. They seem to really like him as by now they are on his lap, on his shoulders and some playing with the blond strands in his hair.
From across the room, I laugh at him and he makes a funny face that makes me laugh even more. When the kids leave for bed, I am left with Calum as we clean the room.
"Nice voice" I say.
"You think?"
I place the last toy in the box and place it at the back of the room. As I turn around on my way to the back of the room, I bump into Calum.
"I-I'm so sorry"
"It's okay" he says, rubbing his stomach where the box hit him "Let me help you"
I guide him on where to put it and we walk out together.
"Do you come often?" he asks as we stand by the gates.
"Everyday" I say.
"I'll see you tomorrow then"
"Okay" I wave goodbye and make my way to the car. As I open the door, I hear a call of my name and Calum jogs to me.
"(Y/n)?" he starts "C-can-can I-I-?" he stutters, but cut himself off when he suddenly pushed his lips on mine and kissed me "Can I take you out, Friday?"
Realising what had just happened, I say "Yeah! I guess!"
"Great. I'll pick you up at seven."
He runs away and I lean on my car as I watch him go out of my site. Okay, Calum. I can't wait for Friday.

5 Seconds Of Summer Imagines
FanficThis is for the 5sos Fam that are out there! Requests are open. Hope you like it!!!