One More Month - Calum Hood

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"No. It's okay. I understand. Yea... only one more month. I promise Cal, I'm fine. I love you too babe. Bye," you finished, rubbing your eyes. You waited for the line to go dead before you let a few tears slip, your chest tightening to the point it was hard to breath. Calum had just called you to tell you that he wouldn't be home tomorrow because his bands tour was extended, meaning that you wouldn't be able to see him for another whole month.

You dragged your feet into your and Cal's shared bedroom and threw your phone carelessly onto the bed, not sparing a glance at it. You stepped in front of the closet, wanting to find something to remind you of him. You ruffled through his shirts before finding one of your favourites, the black Nirvana shirt. You quickly changed into his shirt, throwing yourself into bed and inhaling deeply. You could just barely catch a small trace of his scent, a tiny smile forming on your lips. A small wave of comfort washed over you, only to dissipate when realisation hit you like a wall.

He's going to be gone for another month. One WHOLE month. Thirty more lonely, agonising days without him.

You had endured nine long, painful months with him gone, but having the hope of seeing him tomorrow ripped out of your fingers was too much, and for the first time since you had watched him leave all that time ago, you cracked. All of your pent up emotions flowed out of your body like a raging river of loneliness, sadness, and hurt through loud sobs and hot tears.

You wrapped your arms around your knees, bringing them closer to your chest as you cried, and cried, and cried. After what felt like hours... seconds...? Minutes...? You didn't know but you were knocked out of your stupor of sadness as you felt your eyelids start to feel heavy and your mind grow groggy. You leaned your head up slightly, just barely high enough to look out the window. It was completely dark outside. You cocked your head, disbelief clouding your mind. There's no way you've been crying that long. At least, it didn't feel like it.

You let out a tired sigh as you placed your head back onto your bed, the sheets now damp with tears. You sniffled before you felt yourself drift off to sleep, not bothering to clean the traces of tears off your face.


"Babe. Babe wake up," a deep, familiar voice called,shaking you from your dreamless slumber. You opened your eyes lazily, jumping when you saw who was hovering directly above you, his face creased with concern and worry.

No way. There's no way. He said he wouldn't be back for another month. But then why the heck is he here? Unless...

You glared at him as you pushed yourself up, grabbing your pillow and running at him. "You! Complete! Arse!" you yelled, emphasising each word with a hit from your pillow. After the third hit, you dropped it to the floor, tackling him in a massive bear hug. You sniffled, squeezing him as tight as you could, afraid that he would disappear if you let go.

"I'm sorry," he apologised, regret colouring his voice. "I wanted to surprise you. I didn't mean to make you upset." He leaned back slightly, raising his hand to brush his thumb against one of your red, tear-stained cheeks.

You rolled your eyes, leaning forward to press your lips against his, your anger evaporating with it, replaced by relief and happiness. "You're an idiot," you sighed. You removed one of your arms from his back, raising it to hold the hand on your cheek.

"I know," he agreed. He entwined his fingers with yours, wrapping his free hand around your waist to pull you closer, a small smile making its way on his face as he looked down at your -- his -- shirt. He raised his eyebrows almost teasingly, his eyes glowing, "Isn't that my shirt?"

"Shut up," you spoke, blushing maroon from embarrassment. "I missed you okay?"

He giggled in response, a bright smile on his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes. "I missed you too," he sighed, kissing you on the nose.

"Mhm," you hummed happily, snuggling into his chest. You were just happy that he was back, where you could hold him and hug him and kiss him whenever and wherever you wanted, thousands of miles no longer keeping you from each other.

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