Cuddle? - 5sos

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You plopped onto your brother, Ashton's, king sized bed,right in between Michael and Calum with Michael on your left and Calum on your right. You rolled your eyes as you took in the activity around you. Ashton, as usual, was keeking, Michael was playing Call Of Duty, and Calum was bugging Luke. Weighing your options, you diverted your attention to Calum and Luke, listening to their conversation.

"Hey, hey Luke," Calum said.

"What?" Luke asked in a feign angry voice.

"Hey," Calum repeated.

"Go away," Luke replied monotonously.

You giggled as Calum begun to poke Luke, laughing harder as you saw Cal's mouth quirk up in a grin at making you laugh. They continued their banter, causing you to clutch your stomach with laughter.


"I don't like you,"


"I hate you,"

"I love you,"


"I love you,"

"I don't like anything you do,"

"I love you,"

"You're in a gay band,"

"I love you,"

"You band sucks,"

"Cuddle?" Calum asked, his voice sounding incredibly adorable.

"No," Luke rejected, smirking slightly.

"Cuddle?" Calum repeated, getting closer to Luke's face.


"Cuddle?" Calum asked once more, his nose pressed against Luke's cheek.

Luke giggled, barely stuttering out another no.

Calum sighed and turned to you, jutting out his lower lip, "(Y/N)?"

You raised your eyebrow, a small smile adorning your features, "Yes?"

"Cuddle?" he repeated, smiling hopefully.

You rolled your eyes, giggling slightly. "Nope!"

He widened his eyes, pouting his lips even more, "Pwease?"

sighing over dramatically, you groaned, reluctantly nodding your head in consent, "I guess..."

"YAY!" he shouted, opening his arms for you.

You began to scoot toward him when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind, tugging you back.

"No! My (Y/N),"  Michael whined, holding you to his chest.

Calum scowled, grabbing hold of both of your wrists, "No! I wanna cuddle (Y/N)!"

You frowned, as you slid back and forth between Calum and Michael, them bickering over who got to cuddle you. After a few minutes of being passed around, you crossly bolted out of their grasp, standing on the bed.

"You know what?" you shouted, stepping over Calum, "I think I'll just cuddle Luke instead."

You grinned cheekily as Luke whooped, watching as Michael and Calum pouted childishly. Suddenly you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist, picking you up and holding you to their side like a football. You huffed as you realised it was Michael, him jumping off the bed and sprinting toward the door.

"Michael! Put me down!" you demanded, struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Never!" he yelled, laughing joyously.

"Ashton, help!" you begged, looking helplessly at you still keeking older brother.

He shook his head, smirking devilishly, "Sorry (Y/N). I'm kinda busy sitting over here."

You glared at him as Michael exited the room, belting his lungs out. Among the chaos, you managed to yell two words, lacing them with annoyance, "Screw you!"

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