I'm Sorry - Calum Hood

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"Ugh," you groaned, leaning your forehead against the toilet seat. You had just emptied the contents of your stomach, still feeling slightly nauseated. After a few moments, you slowly rose to your feet, being sure that you didn't have another dizzy sell. You sighed in relief as the room stayed still and walked to the sink, rinsing your mouth out. You had been sick so often you had lost count, and you finally decided that something was definitely wrong. You walked through your house, finding yourself in front of your calendar as you contemplated what could be wrong. Your eyes bugged out as you realised that you were forgetting something, well at least you thought you did. Scanning the calendar, you felt your eyes widen even more, staring at the large words written across one specific week. A week that had past only a few days ago. The week you were supposed to have your period.

"Oh crap," you muttered, running to the counter. In a split second, you grabbed your keys, bolting out the door to your car. You stopped at the nearest store, running to isle thirteen. You stopped directly in front of the pregnancy tests, grabbing the first two you had gotten your hands on. Racing back out of the isle, you ran to self-checkout, silently praising your luck as you noticed no one was there. You quickly paid for your stuff and ran back to your car, driving home as quickly as you could.

You huffed as you opened the door to your restroom, crinkling your nose as you realised you had forgotten to flush the toilet. Gingerly flicking he switch, you sighed and did the two tests, sitting on the floor as you waited for the lines to show up. You groaned as you stared at the tiny, cute clock on the wall, the second hand seeming to move slower than usual.

Finally, when the two minutes were up, you shakily reached for the first test, flipping it over slowly. Your heart wrenched as you saw the two very clear blue lines innocently staring up at you. You placed the test back onto the counter, gingerly picking the second one up. You held your breath as you flipped it over, a small grain of hope flickering in you chest that the first was wrong. You looked down at the second's results and saw two. Blue. Lines. You felt tears build up in the corners of your eyes and bit your lip to keep them from slipping.

You smacked your hand over your mouth when you realised a horrible thought, the baby was Calum's. You sunk back to the floor and let the floodgates go, your body wracking with sobs. You and Calum had broken up a little over a month ago, and not on the best of terms. You felt fear pierce your heart as you wondered... what would he say? Should you ever tell him? Would he be mad at you? Would he hate you? Would he hate it? You visibly flinched as you thought these questions, afraid of how he would react. But, no matter how scared you were, you knew that you had to tell him, it was his baby too.

Shakily standing, you wrapped your arms around yourself, shuffling slowly toward the counter. You completely avoided your gaze from the two tests, grabbing your keys and walking back out to your car. The drive to his house was unbearable, each passing minute only giving you more time alone with your agonising thoughts. Your head swam with ways he would react, the more you imagined the worse it got. When you finally pulled into his familiar driveway, you flinched when you saw an unfamiliar car in his driveway.

Walking up his porch, you knocked firmly on his door, your heart pounding with uneasiness. When the door opened, you felt the thin line your lips had made curve downward when you saw the girl standing in front of you. She cocked her head to the side, then rolled her eyes snobbishly, as if she knew who you were.

"You're Cal's ex aren't you? Yea, no he wont take you back so why don't you jus-"

"Can I please speak with Calum?" you interrupted, your voice surprisingly calm and level, far different from what you were feeling.

She rolled her eyes once more, walking back into his house. After a few minutes, your eyes widened as you saw Calum walk up, his eyes narrowed suspiciously. 

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