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Jimin. Is there something wrong?

Me. Jimin you're too close, I don't, I don't even know you... yet.. we haven't talked much or did anything...

Jimin. You are beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

Me. Jimin...



Jimin. See you later...

Me. Oh... okay..

Back at the pool

Me. Is everybody having fun?

BTS. Yes!!!

Me. Ok well I'm going inside now.. I'm tired.. you guys can keep playing or come inside to sleep.


Ugh. I need to shower... I have nasty pool chlorine on me..

You stripped down in the bathroom, turned the water on, and suddenly you heard the doorknob turn..

Wait.. what's that noise...

The door opened... and a shadowy figure was standing there..


Jungkook. AHHHHHH!!! (y/n)!!!!! WHAT???


Jungkook covered your mouth before you screamed.


Jungkook. That doesn't matter to me.. I love it.

Me. Jungkook, I don't know you... we can't do this..

Jungkook. You are really beautiful. I wish you were mine.

Me. Jungkook, we can't..

Jungkook. Your body.. it's beautiful.

Me. Stop staring....

Jungkook. It's beautiful...

Jungkook took off his shirt, then his shorts, then his boxers.

Me. Jung.. Jung.. Jungkook.. what... are.. you doing..

Jungkook. I was going to shower, but I didn't know someone was in here.

Me. Well I'll go outside you can shower..

Jungkook. No..

Me. What?

Jungkook picked you up and took you into the shower. He set you down and you both were under the water. He put his hands on your waist and pulled you closer.. he breathed on your neck..

Jungkook. Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Me. You are beautiful. Under this water. I regret everything I said about BTS..

Jungkook. What did you say about us?

Me. N-nothing...

Jungkook. Kiss me..

Me. What..

Jungkook smashed his lips against yours and pushed you to the bathtub wall. He started to make out with you.

Me. Jungkook... I don't know you... stop... why are you doing this!

Jungkook. I don't have to know someone if I know I love them already.
And I fell in love with you over the past day... it's our first night together.

Me. Jungkook..

Jungkook kept kissing you leaving hickeys on your chest.. he groped your boobs as you let out a moan.

Me. Jungkook... stop...

Jungkook. You love it my princess..

Jungkook's fingers traced down your body as his fingers touched your clit. You squirmed, and he hugged you to calm you down. He slowly rubbed your clit.

Me. Jungkook.. no.. not there..

He stuck one finger in you and you let out a scream. He covered your mouth and stuck two fingers in. He took his fingers out.

You could see his penis was already hard.. and it's length... it was so long, and so large..

Me. Jungkook... put your cock in me...

Jungkook. Beg.

Me. Jeon Jungkook please stick your manhood into my womanhood...

Jungkook turned the water off. Carried you out. He put your back on the floor.

Me. I'm ready..

Jungkook stuck his large size in you. He thrusted in and out.

Jungkook. Baby....

Me. I'm gonna come!!

Jungkook. No. Not without me..

Jungkook thrusted harder and faster.. he began to grunt and moan hard, you began to moan louder.

Me. I'm coming!!

Jungkook. I'm.. almost.. there!!

Me. (Moans loud)

Jungkook. (Breathes hard)

Jungkook pulls his dick out and lays on the ground right next to you.

Me. Why. Why did you do this?

Jungkook. I love you.

Seven Days, Seven Guys (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now