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Welcome home JIMIN!

Hoseok. Yeah Jimin! Welcome home!

Namjoon. We missed you!

Jungkook. Are you feeling better!

Jimin. I feel like me again! Now don't we have dress rehearsal today?

Yoongi. We do.

Me. Are you good for it?

Jimin. I'm ready! And I promise no more problems.

Taehyung. Good!

Seokjin. Finally!

Jimin. I'm good to be back! Yeah man!

Jungkook. No more problems.

Me. I hope no more problems. What happened back at my home was awful.

Namjoon. We've never gone through anything like that before.
It was scary.

Yoongi. It was so bad.

Me. Yeah I know.

Sara. We're leaving after the concerts.

Me. Right about that.

Taehyung. I'm gonna miss you.. again.

Me. Tae.

Sara. What?

Stella. What is it?

Me. I'm staying in Korea for another month.

Stella. What?

Hoseok. WHAT!

Jungkook. BABE WHAT.

Sara. Oh.. okay? Well that's good. Why are you staying?

Me. Dad is wanting to come and check SK out so. And I don't wanna leave.

Stella. Oh wow.. lucky.

Yoongi. That's amazing!

Taehyung. Yay! You're staying!

Me. I'm happy to stay!

Jungkook. Babe, I'm happy you're staying with me. I'm so happy.

Jungkook came over and kissed you on the lips and hugged you. Namjoon walked over to Stella and put his arm around her. Jin held Sara close. All of you sat in the living room and Jimin suddenly walks upstairs. Yoongi comes out with a cake and all of you gather at the table.

Seokjin. Jimin-ah! We have a c-

Taehyung. Where'd he go?

Jungkook. I think he went to his room.

Namjoon. Should we get him?

Me. I'll go get him.

You walked upstairs. You entered Jimins room to see him sitting on his bed staring out the window.

Me. Jimin?

Jimin. Oh.

Me. Jimin why are you up here? We have surprise downstairs for you!

Jimin. (Y/n)...I don't wanna go downstairs.

Me. Jimin what's wrong?

Jimin. I.

Me. What?

Jimin. I still love you...

Me. Jimin...

Jimin. I know, I know.. you're with Jungkook...

Me. Yeah...

Jimin. I'm never gonna stop fighting for you...

Me. Jimin....

Jimin looked at you deeply. He said what he wanted to say.. he still loved you. But your feelings for Jimin suddenly disappeared. You knew your heart belonged to Jungkook and you didn't wanna let Jimin down.

Me. Jimin, there's someone else there for you okay?

Jimin. But I don't want anyone else, I want you, I love you.

Me. Jimin we can deal with this later. You're home now and we wanna celebrate you. Please Jimin come on.

You left the room and Jimin follows.

Sara. There he is!

Taehyung. Ah! Jiminie!

Yoongi. As I was saying... we have a cake.

Hoseok. Yeah man let's celebrate!

Jungkook. Babe, is everything okay?

Me. Yeah. He's just overwhelmed.

Jimin. Wow a cake! For me? Daebak!

Namjoon. So let's eat?

Seokjin. Let's eat!

Taehyung. This looks so good! Did you make this hyung?

Seokjin. Nope. I bought it!

Yoongi. You didn't buy nothing! I did!

Hoseok. Well you're both wrong. I bought it.

Taehyung. Who cares who bought it?

Stella. This looks amazing. It tastes amazing too!

Sara. Agreed.

All of you sat in the den chattering and eating the good cake. Everyone was happy altogether and was happy Jimin was back. But there was one thing running through your head.

What Jimin said...

I still love you.

It kept running through your head.


Tomorrow's the concert.

Time flew by fast.

Sara and Stella were already leaving.


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