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The next morning

It's day two. It's Saturday. The only thing I can now think about is BTS leaving. The thought just won't leave my head. What am I going to do without them?

Anyways, it's only 7am, there's plenty of time till the fan meet. I could catch up on my studies or go eat or go shopping. There's so many things to do. BTS isn't even awake yet and I'm bored.

I have no friends to hang out with, no family to talk to besides my dad, nobody I know just in particular. I have no one except BTS. Now I should say I'm lucky to be with the most famous boy group ever, but I won't say that because they're not just the most famous boy group ever. They're a family. I'm a part of a family, I'm a part of their family. They're my only friends and family left.

Seokjin. Ah (y/n)! Good morning!

Me. Hi Jin!
Want something to eat?

Seokjin. I'll make the breakfast today!
Last time I failed..

Me. Okay. Thanks! What are you cooking?

Seokjin. Food we'd usually eat in the dorms.

Me. Okay.. are you ready for the fan meet?

Seokjin. Of course (Y/n)! Is the people here nice?

Me. I'm never out much. I don't really know...

Seokjin. Well we just have to hope they are nice!

Hoseok. Morning! Morning! Morning! Fan meet today!

Me. That's right! Sit down we will eat soon.

Hoseok. I'm so excited! I can't wait!

Seokjin. Neither can I!

Me. It'll end around 3ish...

Taehyung. Hello!

Jungkook. Good morning!

Jimin. Hello!
How is the cooking?
Smells good hyung!

Me. Hey guys! How was sleep?

Jungkook. It was good! If only Jin hyung didn't snore...

Seokjin. Hey! HEY. HEY!!!!!

Jimin. Sorry hyung, he's right.

Taehyung. This tastes good. I'm getting the first plate!

Me. What is it?

Seokjin. Pancakes!

Me. Pancakes? You usually eat that in the dorms?

Seokjin. Heh, just wanted to try American food!

Jimin. Delicious.

Hoseok. This TV won't turn on again!

Me. *takes remote*
Hobi, it's this button.

The boys were loud and lively and excited for the fan meet. Everyone was talking with such joy and you went upstairs and ran into Namjoon.

Me. Good morning Joon!

Namjoon. Everyone's so loud, like what's with all the excitement?

Me. Fan meeting!

Namjoon. Geez, when Yoongi wakes up he's going to kill all of them.

Me. We'll make sure that doesn't happen.

Namjoon went downstairs while you walked to your room. You sat down at your desk and opened your laptop.

Me. All these memories. These memories can't be erased. And more importantly they can't be made ever again.

This was my one chance with BTS and I probably won't be able to see them ever again. Or even talk.

I wish they stayed here forever, I wish they lived with me. I wish I could be with them all the time.
Like I said, so much has happened over the course of a week. I fell in love with all of them. But I think Namjoon and Jin found someone new, which makes me really happy for them! Hobi and Tae and Yoongi seemed to have forgotten and have been building each other up after the incident. Jimin is just.... he is just there... same with Jungkook... they're just-

Jungkook walks in your bed room and kneels by your side.

Me. Jungkookie~

Jungkook. Hey? Why are you up here?

Me. I don't know..
I just am.

Jungkook. You should be downstairs with us! Or you can help me wake up Yoongi, and we can die together.

Me. I am not ready to feel the wrath of Yeon Ki Min...

Jungkook. Come on.. it'll be funny!
The maknaes can annoy him!

Me. Fine.... just this once!

You and Jungkook walk into Yoongi's room. You both look at each other then at Yoongi. Jungkook picked up one pillow and handed you another. He charged at Yoongi and jumped on him and smashed the pillow on him.


Yoongi slapped Jungkook on the head, you were standing there laughing. Jungkook was laughing.

Jungkook. OW HYUNG!


Namjoon. What's going on?!

Jimin. Not another fight!!

Seokjin. Breakfasts ready!

Hoseok. What in the world!


All the members left and so did you.

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