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The meeting is tonight. We're going to the arena for staging. Dad didn't exactly tell me what I was doing, but I know I'm being forced to go.
Honestly, I love going to the arena. It's a lively feeling when I go.

I have to tell the boys to get ready now, hair, makeup, costume. It's dress rehearsal. Staging process.

Namjoon. Dress rehearsal? What are you talking about?

Me. Plans change. This is rehearsal one. We are getting lights, sound, staging, and more done tonight.
The crew for makeup and hair is here to get you ready, and your costumes have been delivered.
Please get ready, the limo is leaving as soon as possible. We can't get off schedule.

Jimin. How much time do we have?

Me. I'll give an hour for you boys, but please be fast.

Taehyung. Okay.

BTS ran upstairs to get ready. Jimin went slowly but stayed downstairs and looked at you.

Jimin. They're gone now.

Me. And so will you. Go get ready Jimin.

Jimin. Baby, I ain't going nowhere until I get a kiss.

Me. Go Jimin, get ready we don't have time.

Jimin pushed you up against the wall and gave you a hard kiss.

Jimin. I got what I wanted.

Jimin ran upstairs.

Me. Ugh, he wasted so much time with that.

One hour later

Me. BTS! Let's GO!

You hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and all of BTS goes outside and boards the limo.

Me. So are you ready?

Namjoon. Yeah. Always ready.

Me. Let's review. First is costume check. Obviously you all seem ready but we will be double checking.
Second we are doing sound check, so be ready on stage at least five minutes after costume check.
Third, performance practice. We are going to go through every song to see if we are ready.

Namjoon. Okay we're ready.

Seokjin. Is there any break?

Jimin. A water break.

Jungkook. Ten minutes maybe..

Me. There is don't worry, we will have plenty of breaks. Lots of time to replenish.

Taehyung. Is it a large arena?

Me. Quite large.

Namjoon. How many people can it fill?

Me. Thousands.

Yoongi. What stadium only fills ten people? Of course it'll fit thousands.

Namjoon. Okay be quiet, enough.
What time are we going home?

Me. Depends how fast you all work.
The sooner we finish, the sooner we get out.

Jungkook. Is there another stage meeting this week?

Me. See, today's Tuesday right? So we will again, Thursday.

Yoongi. Will it be the same as today?

Me. Yes, but that time it will be shorter performance practice.

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