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Concert 2

4:37 pm

Me. Boys! Let's go! We gotta be there by 5!

Namjoon. Another concert.

Me. Yup. Two more.
Then you leave.

Taehyung. Ah! I don't wanna leave!

Me. *mumbles* I don't want you to leave either.

Yoongi. What?

Me. Nothing.

Jimin. Yah! I don't wanna leave either!

Jungkook. Let's have fun these next few days!

Seokjin. We can rest.

Taehyung. Let's celebrate!

Hoseok. Party! Yah party! With ARMY!

Me. We don't have time to plan a party, Hope.

Hoseok. Aw man! Yah! Party!

Namjoon. Party sounds great but we gotta prepare for the concert.

Taehyung. We can host a party!

Jungkook. I wanna be alone. Just before we leave.

Jimin. Yeah mhm, alone. Alone with (Y/n).

Jungkook. Shut up!

Seokjin. We all know you and Jimin-ah have been fighting over her.

Me. Now...what?

Taehyung. We all used to like her.

Me. Guys, we gotta go.

Hoseok. Yeah man!

All of you drive to the arena. You sit in between Jimin and Jungkook and all three of you are silent. The amount of awkwardness is unreal.

Yoongi. You three are awfully quiet.

Seokjin. Ah they're just feuding.

Namjoon. Feuding huh?

Taehyung. Big feud.

Jimin. There's no feud!

Me. There shouldn't be a feud.

Jungkook. We all just need to be quiet and focus on this concert.

Me. Yes.
Namjoon, hows your hand?

Namjoon. Fine. It's better. I think I can perform without it tonight.

Me. Jimin, your foot?

Jimin. 100% better. No more need for the harness.

Me. How about the rest of you? Concussion free? Bruises dying down. Jin? Are you taking it easy?

Seokjin. (Y/n), please don't worry about us. We are all fine.

Hoseok. We're here!

You all enter the arena and do the same thing as yesterday. Preparation. Perform. Preparation. Perform. Showcase.

It's 9:23. The concerts almost over.

The concert has been running smoothly, and so far no accidents. The boys are having a really good time, and today has been great. But one thing is on your mind.


What even is the feud? Jimin and Jungkook?

Fighting over me?

Jimin acts like he doesn't care for me anymore. Like he doesn't have feelings. Jungkook on the other hand.....

Travis. Yo! We got a problem!

Me. Are you for real?! What is it!

Travis. The sound systems busted!

Me. You're joking. What's going to happen?

Travis. One by one, the mics are gonna shut off! And they won't be able to have a loud sound! We gotta fix this before each mic shuts off.

Me. What can we do?!

Travis. I don't know?! Cut the song short?

Me. This song is almost over.

Travis. Is it!

Me. Ok maybe in about two more minutes....

Travis. The crew is trying to fix this machine it just won't work!

Me. Oh my gosh. Tae is on stage and I can't hear him!

Travis. What????

Me. Taehyung's mic is broken! And he's on stage confused!

Travis. Here he comes.

Me. Tae, your mic is broken. Everyone's mic is about to be broken.

Taehyung. What do I do?

Me. —

Travis. Tell everyone discreetly to hurry it up or sing as loud as you can! The mics are about to shut!

Me. Get back out there!

Travis. Here comes Jin.

Seokjin. Mic is broken.

Travis. Deal with it, go back out there.

Me. Everyone's mic is gonna be broken in a few seconds, hope not though. Just keep working. Try and tell the members to hurry it up.

BTS managed to finish the song. But after the song, the sound systems shut down.

Sound Director. Trav, we're done for. Sound is down. Boys can't perform unless we get tech in.

Travis. What do we do?

Me. Well we can't make an announcement! No one would hear!

Travis. What time is it?

Me. 9:40.

Jungkook. What's going to happen? Are we done?

Seokjin. Impossible.

Namjoon. We go on till ten right?

Hoseok. We are gonna finish right?

Me. Boys, we gotta take a bow now.



Taehyung. Ayyyyy!

The concert finished at 10 with a bang. The boys changed and you all went back home.

Authors note- sorry for not updating. Had to finish school. But here we are now!

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