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Dad. Cancelled. It must be cancelled. I'm sorry to share this with all of you but the BTS concert scheduled for Friday night is cancelled. The concerts are still on for Saturday and Sunday and are still unsure if they will do a makeup concert on Monday. Sorry for the inconvenience. BTS is in a injured state at the moment and the doctors say they are unable to perform. I really did not want to make the announcement this way.

Dad. I didn't want to make that announcement, but Travis could you spread that message to everyone, especially the refunded customers?

Travis. Absolutely. The crew is on it.

Dad. What even happened between them? Do you know?

Travis. Sorry sir. I don't know. I wasn't told anything. This was all of a sudden.

At home..

Taehyung. Did Jin hyung get discharged last night?

Hoseok. Nope, he isn't home.

Yoongi. What time is it?

Hoseok. 7:30.
We need to check on everyone.
I'll check on Jimin.
Taehyung you check on Jungkook.
Yoongi check Namjoon.

Yoongi and Taehyung. Alright.

Taehyung walked up to Jungkooks room

Taehyung. Jungkookie?

Jungkook. Hyung. Good morning.
I feel so sore and tired.

Taehyung. I know. Did you take your temperature?

Jungkook. Still sick, this morning it was 104°.
I threw up once.

Taehyung. Was there blood?

Jungkook. A little. But I'm fine now.

Taehyung. Did you take your medicine?

Jungkook. I did, tastes disgusting.

Taehyung. Ok. We need to bandage your wounds and start icing them down.

Jungkook. I need bed rest..

Taehyung. Im not leaving until you are situated.

Jungkook sat up as Tae wrapped his bruises. Tae grabbed the ice and started placing it where there were bruises. Jungkook laid down slowly and pulled out his phone.

Taehyung. Get some rest. We need you on Saturday.

Taehyung left.

Hoseok walked to Jimins room.

Hoseok. Jimin-ah.

Jimin. Hyung, I don't feel so good.

Hoseok. What is it?

Jimin. Can you get that trashcan please?

Hoseok. Oh no Jimin no you DON-

Jimin vomited into the trashcan.

Hoseok. JIMIN-AH!

Jimin. Hyung, this medicine for my foot makes me sick, I also think I'm catching a cold.

Hoseok. You need to stay in bed, stay off your foot. And here's the ice for your bruises.

Jimin. Thank you hyung.

Hoseok iced down Jimin. He took his foot and elevated it on a tower of pillows. Jimin grabbed a book and began to read.

Hoseok. Get rest, I'll be back later.

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