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12:03 pm.
Fan sign in 57 minutes

Me. Boys come on let's go! We have like 50 minutes!

Taehyung. We're coming!


Namjoon. Ok so where are we going?

Hoseok. Is it at the auditorium?

Me. No.

Seokjin. Then where?

Jungkook. Is it here?

Jimin. Are you stupid? She said we have to be there in 50 minutes. Do we gotta be here in 50 minutes?

Jungkook. Shut up Jimin.

Taehyung. Is it somewhere far?

Me. Questions questions so many questions!
It's at the mall. We get a private sector.

Seokjin. Private sector?

Yoongi. What do you think that means?

Seokjin. Private obviously...

Jimin. A sector!

Hoseok. It's a private spot! Goodness! You all keep being so annoying!

Me. It's in a closed part of the mall, usually where all events like this happen.

Taehyung. Ah, so we are going there?

Me. Yes Tae.

Namjoon. Alright. So we need to go right?

Me. Let's go.

At the mall

Me. Alright boys get that hair and makeup done you got 30 minutes!

The boys got their makeup and hair done. You walked around the sector to see thousands of fans already there. You were scared. BTS didn't have their manager around so you were their manager at the moment. What were you going to do?

Me. We ready?

Namjoon. All ready.

Jimin. 100%

Jungkook. I am so ready!

Hoseok. Let's go!

Yoongi. I could get this over with.

Taehyung. Let's go!!!!!

Seokjin. Alright!

BTS field out into their seats for the fan signs, you were jealous. Why were you jealous? Was it because BTS wasn't paying attention to you? Or they were talking to fans? You just didn't know. You wished you were a fan. But you had something better. The fan sign went slowly and you wish it would hurry up. You checked the time..

2:18 pm

I can't I just can't. This is going too slow. I don't understand. Why can't time hurry up? This is taking way too long! Honestly if I have to stay here more, I'll lose it.

BTS were enjoying talking and meeting their fans. They had a great amount of joy in their eyes. All the fans were screaming, crying, and freaking out.

Me. Alright guys! We'll take a few more fans. We are out of here at 3.

2:53 pm

BTS wrapped up with their last few fans and all the fans left.

Me. How was it?

Jungkook. It was fun!

Taehyung. Really amazing!

Seokjin. Wow!

Yoongi. Never done anything like it.

Me. How about we go home and get some rest before the concert! I think we need to replenish after a long day already.

Namjoon. We were wondering if we could go out on our own for a little bit.

Me. Oh? Oh. Okay. I'll send the body guards though and drivers.
I'll leave you guys here and go home... okay?

BTS. Okay!

You drove home. You were about to cry. Did BTS just kick you out of a bonding time?
You tried so hard to understand that maybe the band just wanted to be with each other for a bit. Not with you. You were worried.

Me. Why did they send me home? Why am I here? What did I do? Did I hurt them?

Did I separate them from fans too quick? What did I do? I want to know! BTS is out on their own right now still recovering and they're without me! I'm supposed to be with them at all times!

Authors note: sorry for short chapters! I need to focus on school but I will be updating a lot more hopefully! I'm also pretty distracted by the comeback!

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