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Sunday morning
8:17 am

Seokjin. Wake up! Wake up!

Namjoon. What is it?

Jimin. What? It's so early hyung.

Taehyung. Too early. Stop..

Seokjin. It's our last day here. Tonight's our last night. We need to give (Y/n) our gift.

Hoseok. Oh yeah! I forgot we did that!

Yoongi. You couldn't be any louder..

Jimin. Speaking of gift, where even is it...

Namjoon. We went to the post office to pick it up and we placed it in one of our rooms.

Jimin. Wanna be a little more specific?

Yoongi. It's in my closet.

Taehyung. Who put it in there?

Seokjin. Maybe I couldn't have found a better place....

Hoseok. It's so big, do you think she will like it?

Jimin. I think she will.

Taehyung. Hopefully...
Isn't today our last concert?

Seokjin. Sadly.

Hoseok. No, I'm not ready to leave!

Yoongi. Our flight back home is tomorrow. Then we finish tour.

Hoseok. Can we take (Y/n)?

Namjoon. We can't..


Jungkook. Good morning beautiful..

Me. Morning, kookie.

Jungkook. How about we go downstairs and greet everyone. It seems like it's even awhile.

Me. Are you gonna tell them?

Jungkook. Yep, plus Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung have girlfriends now too.

Me. Wow! Okay! Cool! Let's go!

You and Jungkook go downstairs to see all the members sitting there.

Hoseok. Good morning!

Taehyung. Awww we see you came down together!

Namjoon. Jungkook come here..

Namjoon pulled Jungkook to the side.

Namjoon. We are giving the gift to her now.

Jungkook. Now? There is so much going on!

Namjoon. What do you mean so much going on?

Jungkook walked back to the crowd.

Jungkook. Everyone. I have an announcement. *pulls you closer*, We have an announcement to make.

Yoongi. Oh my.

Seokjin. I KNOW IT!

Taehyung. AHA! We knew it!

Me. We're together now.

Jungkook. Happily.

Jimin. Aww congrats.

Jungkook. Jimin-ssi. You're not mad right?

Jimin. Nah, have her. She's yours.

Namjoon. Wow. All along we knew this.

Me. Pretty happy to make it official.
Anyways, today's the last concert.
It's at 6.
We have to be there at 4 today. We can take it easy now.

Hoseok. *hugs you* ah! We don't wanna leave!

Taehyung. Noooo!

Jimin. We don't wanna leave you.

Seokjin. That's why we got something for you.

Me. You did?

Jungkook. We dropped you off at your house and left remember?

Seokjin. You might've thought we didn't wanna be with you anymore.

Yoongi. Truth is, we went to the postal office.

Me. Post office? Why?

Taehyung. We picked up something for you.

Me. What? What is it?

Hoseok. We had our manager ship it from Korea. And it came right in time.

Namjoon. We wanted to give this to you. *grabs big box*

Me. Wow! It's huge!

Hoseok. Open it open it!

You opened the package. It was very big. It was a giant frame. You opened the package a little bit more and it was a large picture frame with you and BTS at the first dress rehearsal. Travis took a group picture. BTS got the picture enlarged and framed and each autographed it.

Me. Oh my gosh.. it's beautiful!
Thank you!

BTS gave you a group hug.

Me. I'm hanging this up.

Taehyung. What are we gonna do today?

Me. Whatever you want.

Hoseok. Can we have a pool party?

Me. Of course!

Namjoon. Let's go!

All of you changed and got into the pool and had a pool party.

3:30 pm.

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