~24~ Part 1

404 13 2

Final Concert

Me. Are we set?

Travis. All checked. We're set.

Me. Excellent.
How's the boys?

BTS. Here!

Me. Great!

Yoongi. Is anyone gonna have last minute difficulties?

Me. Nope.

Taehyung. I'm so ready!

Hoseok. All ready!

Travis. We are ending at 8. You need rest for the flight.

Me. He's right. We gotta get home in time.

Namjoon. Let's circle up.
We are going to get this done.
We've made it through two concerts already.

Hoseok. Keep it together, stay on the beat, and we will finish.

Seokjin. We didn't come this far to give up now.

Jungkook. I'm not done here yet. Let's do this.

Me. Onstage in 1!

BTS went on stage to kick off the concert. This time you sat backstage and watched them perform.

I'm gonna miss them. So much. I can't believe we reached the end of the journey. I can't believe it's over.

I have to let them go. I can't keep holding on to this. I am not ready.

Jin, I'm gonna miss him so much. Jin cooked and cleaned and bought food and cared for all the members. He even cared for me. He was always here and I am gonna miss having a friend like him around here.

Yoongi, when I first met him, he was sarcastic yes, but he always also deep. He gave me a calming vibe. He was relaxing. He may have slept a lot or have been quiet, but he has a place in my heart.

J-Hope, our little Hope. Hobi. Never have I met someone who was such a sunshine. He was upbeat, excited, happy. He's so talented, and every time I was down he'd cheer me up. Hoseok was always the highlight of my day. I'm gonna miss it.

RM, Joon, a leader. He is such a good caretaker. He kept all the boys in tact all week. Kept them organized. Namjoon was truly amazing to collaborate with.. yes I said collaborate. I've always wanted to be a singer and Namjoon is helping me....

Taehyung, what can I even say about Tae. Taetae is a joy to be with. He made me laugh and was here for me all the time. Never was there a time that Tae wasn't here with me. He was a true team player and was very helpful. He was a best friend to me.

This person. This one person.. Jimin. Jimin. I don't know what to say about him. Jimin was the first to approach me. He had a warm heart. Deep down he was fighting for me. Deep down he still is. Jimin was just amazing. I want him to continue with himself.

Last but obviously not least, Jungkook. Kook was a wild one. But a sweet one. He also approached me with a big heart. Kook stole my heart and ran with it. And I'm glad I got to be with him. I'm going to miss Kook when he goes back to Korea. I'll be miserable.





*crowd cheers*
Not Today starts

Me. Yo Travis.

Travis. Sup, (Y/n).

Me. When's dad coming?

Travis. He's coming tonight. He should be in the crowd or in the upper booth.

Me. Should I call him?

Travis. Nah, he will be down here in a second.

Boys come back

Me. Wow! Epic! Iconic! I'm gonna miss it.

Jungkook. Hey babe.

Me. Hey JK.
Get ready boys we out in two.

Hoseok. This is so epic!

Seokjin. Hey, Jimin. Are you okay?

Jimin. Yeah. Hyung, I'm fine.

Taehyung. Jimin-ah you're pale!

Jimin. I'm fine! Leave me alone!

Taehyung walks over to the water fountain and gives Jimin a cup of water. At the corner of your eye you see Jimin pale and looking sick.

Me. Go out boys it's time.
Jimin. What's wrong?

Jimin. I'm fine..

The boys leave and go back to performing.

Me. Travis, Jimin doesn't look so good.

Travis. If he says he's fine he's fine (Y/n).

Me. Travis this is serious. Jimin could be sick again.

Travis. Impossible, that was days ago.

Me. But he's still on medication.

Travis. He will be fine.

Me. Travis!

You walk backstage to see Jimin slowing down. He still finishes every number but slows down every time. His voice was diminishing and began to sound raspy and dry. You watch Jungkook go up to Jimin and ask if he's okay but Jimin pushed him away and kept performing.

Me. Travis. This isn't right.

Travis. He looks fine to me.

Me. Jimin... oh no please stay up there...

You saw Hoseok and Yoongi look at you and look at Jimin, you had no choice but to shrug and tell them to keep going. Namjoon was beginning to stutter as he kept trying to look at Jimin. Jimin ignored the members and kept performing.

Me. Trav, we have to stop! Jimin's about to fall!

Travis. Look at him! He's still performing! He's fine!

Me. Is this almost done? After this song.
Get the breather oh my gosh. Call emergency..

A few seconds later


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