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11:51 pm

Me. I've had a tough week. A very tough week. I'm just ready to finish all of this. There's so many things on my mind right now. Like how BTS ditched me and all hung out by themselves. Okay I know I sound like I own them and I know I don't but, they just seemed so eager to get away. Maybe I have been with them too much. But dad said I had to be with them at all times! I still don't understand. And my feelings. I'm having strange feelings. For..

Jungkook. Hey... (Y/n), can I come in?

Me. Sure Jungkook. Come on in.

Jungkook. We haven't really got the time to talk alone.

Me. Well yeah, we've been busy. Gotta get you boys in and out as fast as we can.

Jungkook. Yeah, but I want this. I wanna have private time. With you.... we leave on Monday morning back to Korea.

Me. Don't remind me... I'm not ready.

Jungkook. We aren't ready either. This was an experience... I'm not ready to leave.

Me. I'm not ready for you to leave either...

You and Jungkook were sitting on the bed together. You were gazing into each other's eyes until a tear rolled down your cheek. He placed his hand on yours and gave you a hug.

Jungkook. Don't cry. We will be back. This isn't goodbye.

Me. I..I know.. b-but.. I just c-can't...let you go..

Jungkook. Hey hey, it's okay.

Jungkook wiped your tears.

He kissed you on the lips.

You grabbed his shirt and started to make out. Jungkook pinned you to the bed and kept on kissing you. You unbuttoned his shirt and revealed his abs once again. He slipped off your bra and panties as his fingers went inside of you.

Me. Kook....
Stop teasing me...
Finish me...

Jungkook slipped out his member. You grabbed it and stuck it inside you. He thrusted into you as you moaned with delight.

Jungkook. Do you want to be on top?

Me. Such a question....

Jungkook pulled out and laid on his back. You sat on his member and started to ride it.  Jungkook began to let out heavy moans. You got off his large size and placed it in your mouth and sucked him off.

Jungkook. Right there baby.....

Jungkook pulled you back off and stuck it inside you one last time. You were about to reach your strong quivering orgasm.

Jungkook. I'm about to come baby...

Me. So am I babe....

You came together. Jungkook put your and his clothes on and laid by your side.

Me. I love you.

Jungkook. I love you too.

Me. Are we...

Jungkook. Yes. We are. And I love you.

Me. We haven't really gotten to know each other well yet Kookie, we had sex twice. We never had talking.

Jungkook. It's not too late to start now babe....


Yoongi. Do you have any eights?

Seokjin. Go fish.

Jimin. Are you actually playing go fish.....

Yoongi. Ok and? Do you have a problem?

Hoseok. Wow! I love this Wii game!

Taehyung. Can I play!

Namjoon. Give me a shot at it!

Seokjin. Have any nines?

Yoongi. Go fish...

Jimin. What time is it?

Taehyung. It's the morning now.

Seokjin. Oh! Oh! She's calling!

Yoongi. Who's calling?

Seokjin. My girlfriend!

Hoseok. Girl?

Jimin. Friend?


Seokjin. *answers phone* ah! Hello?

Namjoon. Wait I just got a text from Stella! Gotta go.

Jimin. Our hyungs have girlfriends.

Taehyung. What about you Yoongi, or you Hoseok?

Jimin. They're too ugly.. *laughs hard* AHAAHAH

Yoongi. Do you wanna get a slap?

Hoseok. Jimin-ah! You're the ugly one here!

Taehyung. *laughs*

Yoongi. You know what. Go to sleep.

Everyone laughs

Your room
2:14 am

Me. Kook.. I'm tired..

Jungkook. Okay.. baby. Let's sleep.

Me. You sleeping here?

Jungkook. Yes.. of course..

Me. Are you gonna make it official to the other members?

Jungkook. Sometime..

Jungkook kisses your head good night.

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