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The next morning
8:08 am

Flight 76 to South Korea is now boarding.

Stella. Yes ma'am this was a good idea indeed.

Sara. How the hell did you book these flights so fast!

Me. Connections.
A little thing I learned called connections.

Stella. Awesome! Are we first class too?

Sara. Oh my gosh!

Me. Ladies, the front is ours.

Stella. I can finally see Namjoon! And leave the country for once...

Sara. I can't wait to see Jin!
Same with everyone else oh my god!

Me. I am happy to see everyone. And I especially wanna see Jimin.. hold up I think they're in Korea now. And I got a text from Hobi!


Message from Jung Hoseok...

J-Hope: we are home! Jimin still asleep. @_@

Me: oh. ok Hobi. Thanks. Hope you had safe trip!


Me. They're back home.

Stella. Great! You didn't tell the surprise right?

Me. Course not.


Message from Jeon Jungkook...

Jungkook: hey babe, we are home. I'll skype you later k? I love you ^_^

Me: yeah JK, sure!


Sara. Who was it?

Me. Kook.

Stella. What'd he say?

Me. Said he's gonna skype me later...

Sara. Haha! Nope. He isn't.

Me. Alright we will be there by 12 tonight. So, we are staying at a hotel. Until we stay with BTS.

South Korea! Here we come!

Authors note: lol. New friends! Yayyyyy.. now we traveling?.. share my story... follow my meme page- @bookofbts on Instagram

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