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Nurse. I have news.

Namjoon. What's the news?

Me. Can you tell us first if it's good or bad?

Nurse. There's good and bad.

Hoseok. What is the good news?

Taehyung. What if she's saying good news but it's really bad news?

Nurse. The good news. Well son you're right. It is just bad news.

Me. What is it.

Nurse. He needs to stay until he wakes up from his coma.

Me. What even happened?

Nurse. His heart. Something with his heart.
Failure. Heart failure. But it doesn't mean he's going to die.

Yoongi. Well is he going to?

Nurse. Sir, no he's not.

Jungkook. We have to cancel our flights then.

Me. We will take care of that.
Did you contact your managers back in Korea? And inform them about the incident?

Seokjin. Did we?

Hoseok. We should've.

Namjoon. I called earlier today.

Taehyung. That's good.

Me. Alright. So what should we do now?

Nurse. Pray he'll be okay. We are still working on him. Unsure of the situation.
You all can go home and get rest because you just had a concert.
We will be taking care of Jimin.

Me. We should go guys. Jimin is still being worked on.

Jungkook. Okay.

Taehyung. Can I stay?

Hoseok. Me too.

Yoongi. The three of us will stay. Three can go home, and we can switch and stuff.

Me. Alright. I'll take Jin, Namjoon, and Jungkook. Let's go. And tomorrow, Hobi, Tae, and Yoongi can come home.

You, Jungkook, RM, and Jin went home.

Me. You guys should get some rest. It's like 1 already.

Namjoon. See you in the morning.

Seokjin. Night..

Jungkook. Good night hyungs.

Me. Kook, lets go upstairs.

You and Jungkook return to your bedroom. Jungkook begins to undress as he is left in his boxers. He jumps into bed. You begin to take off all your clothes and get into one of Jungkook's shirts and hop into bed with him.

Me. What is even going on?

Jungkook. He's going to be okay.
I know he will.

Me. Have you noticed anything weird about him lately?

Jungkook. No, not really he's been fine.
This was unexpected.

Me. He's in a coma! How did that even happen!

Jungkook. We don't know.. we just need to hope for the best. But then again. We aren't leaving just yet. And I won't be leaving you just yet.

Me. I'm glad. I was gonna cry all day tomorrow.

Jungkook. Well save those tears, we aren't leaving.

Me. Will this damage your schedule back with tour?

Jungkook. Our next concert is back at home in 2 weeks.

Me. I hope Jimin wakes up within those two weeks. So you can perform together again.

Jungkook. I hope so too.

Me. I can't believe I've been moping and crying all this week because you were leaving. Now it turns out you're not leaving!!

Jungkook. We weren't expecting this at all! But part of me is happy I get to stay for you.

Me. I'm happy you get to stay too. All of you.

Jungkook kissed your head.

Jungkook. Shall we sleep?

Me. I'm tired. Of course.

Seven Days, Seven Guys (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now