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9:24 am

Nurse. He's awake.

Everyone. Oh my gosh. Oh my.. YES! WOO! JIMIN YES! Guys he's AWAKE!

Nurse. Can't see him yet.

Taehyung. Why!

Nurse. Rest. Recovery. See him later.

Me. Thank the lord he's awake!

Hoseok. I'm so happy!

Yoongi. I'm glad! Finally.

Stella. This is such good news!

Namjoon. Anyways, when are you guys leaving?

Stella. Wow Joon, wanna get rid of us already?

Namjoon. Babe no, I'm just wondering.

Me. Well I'm thinking we stay for awhile. Until Jimin is fully on is feet again. We are staying for the concert here though!

Jungkook. Great!

Seokjin. Daebak!

Yoongi. Long time huh!

Me. We are here for awhile.

Sara. I'm so excited!

Hoseok. We should have party when Jimins awake!

Me. Sure!

Namjoon. When can we see Jimin?

Me. When he's ready.

Nurse. Come on let's go. Only two at a time please.

Seokjin. Two only. Who wants to go? There's like 10 of us.

Me. Jin and Namjoon. Then Yoongi and Hoseok. Then Tae and Jungkook. I can go last.

Hoseok. Alright five minutes with Jimin.

Taehyung. That's good. Can he even talk?

Nurse. He just woke up. He talk very little.

Stella. You guys go with him, we will stay here.

Sara. Yes we will. Plus I gotta make a phone call.

Stella. To who?

Sara. Bella.

Hoseok. Is she single?

Yoongi. Who cares if she is? She won't date you.

Hoseok. *laughs*

Taehyung. Desperate.

Seokjin. *laughs* HA!

Jungkook. Weirdos..

Stella. Bella? Why?

Sara. She's been bothering me lately. Thought I should give a call back.

Namjoon. Jin, let's go.

Namjoon and Jin walked into Jimins room. They saw he was still under all the medical machines and oxygen tanks.

Jimin. Hyung...

Seokjin. JIMIN-AH!

Namjoon. Bro, welcome back!

Seven Days, Seven Guys (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now