Look Again

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{A/N: This one-shot is set during Age of Ultron, inspired by Vision's response to Wanda's statement "I looked inside your head; I saw annihilation."}

    The quinjet was quiet. Dr. Banner slept, snoring loudly on one of the cots. Ms. Romanov and Mr. Barton were piloting. Captain Rogers and Mr. Stark were discussing plans with Thor. The twins sat huddled, his eyes closed in a half-sleep, but her eyes were glued on me. We were still an hour out from Sokovia.

    The practices of humans dictate to not stare at others; so the stares from the young woman were unprecedented. So, when she let her brother lay down across the seat and she approached me cautiously, I stood almost completely still. Her eyes were glowing red. No one else seemed to notice her movements. When she stopped in front of me, she frowned.

    "You've blocked off my mind." She growled, eyes deep red. I refocused my glance at her. I scanned my mind and did notice a block against her magic, but it was nothing that I had done. It must have been some protocol in my system, placed there by Ultron. I released the block, and instantly I felt the red hex enter into my mind.

    But she found only peace. Questions. A quest for knowledge. She removed her hex moments later, eyes dimming back to their brown.

    "What did you see?" A voice came from behind me. It was Dr. Banner; he had woken up from his rest.

    "I saw curiosity." She responded, heavily accented. "He wishes to understand humankind, he has many questions."

    "So he really isn't Ultron." Mr. Stark said, the other two following him in.

    "It is as I said," I began. "I am not Ultron. I am not J.A.R.V.I.S."

    "Wanda, is there any part of his mind that could prove to be an issue in the future?" Captain Rogers inquired. She let her magic enter my mind again. Once again, she found peace, questions, and this time a meadow - but the only person inside of the meadow was her. She exited my mind again, eyes meeting mine.

    "No destruction sensed. Just an idea of peace." She sat down again, placing her brother's head on her lap.

    I kept my eyes on the young witch for the rest of the flight; she was watching me, as well. Curious, how now she was at the forefront at my mind. An urge to understand. An urge to protect.

A Hand to Hold // Scarlet Witch and Vision One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now