Battle of the Bands (Mature Content)

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{What's this? A third post in one day?? I've been working on this for a while and finally finished it. This is a College AU inspired by a post by @incorrectWanda on twitter! Also, just a warning but there is some really kinky shit up ahead.}

Wanda leaned against the wall, watching her friends banter over how they were going to beat Stark's band at the battle of the bands. Steve was certain they'd win, but if they couldn't decide on a setlist then they were screwed. They had all used to be friends, be one band... but when Steve's ex, Bucky, returned from his gap year, Steve left Tony and there was a rift in the team. So Steve brought in reinforcements, a grad student, who had played with the band before Wanda joined, named Clint, and someone who had already graduated with a masters in mechanical engineering named Scott. Pietro refused to join in again, since he had joined a band that a professor had set up.

Currently, Steve and Sam were arguing over who should be lead guitar. Bucky was leaning against Steve's shoulder, taking his boyfriend's side in the argument. Scott and Clint were discussing beats, but no one seemed to notice or care if she was there. She missed Natasha. Now she had to deal with all of these boys.

And she missed Viz. All of this battling and alternative practice times was a real damper on their relationship. On top of their classes, which were all different since they were studying different things, now they were forced to go head to head in the battle of the bands next week. Her bandmates told her to not fraternize with the enemy, but they had been friends with Viz once. Until Steve made things complicated with getting back together with Bucky and inviting him to join the band.

Wanda had created a list of potential songs for them to play, but instead they were arguing about who would be lead guitarist or what beats they should follow (when they hadn't even picked songs yet), and she grumbled as she flipped through her notepad. Great songs. And they had to provide their setlist by tomorrow so that the organizers could ensure no one would be singing the same songs.

"I'm the leader of this band, Sam! I should play lead guitar." Steve continued their argument, Bucky reaching for a chip from the bag of Doritos they had brought with them. "Everyone has their role. Wanda's on drums and backup vocals. Buck's got the bass. Clint is on keyboard, and Scott is our, uh..."

"I also play the bass."

"Right! So you can do backup guitar and lead vocals, alright Sam?" Steve offered. Sam grumbled but agreed, and Wanda watched carefully. "Now, what positions should we take on stage?"

"Fuck, Steve!" Wanda yelled in exasperation. Steve gave her a look. "Don't say it. But come on, we need to hash out a setlist now, before all of our old songs are taken by the Iron Legion, or whatever the fuck Tony named their band."

"Oh yeah, we need a name, too." Steve recalled. "What about the Captains of America?" He offered. Wanda rolled her eyes.

"I'm not American, dumbass." She informed him. "I will not lower myself down to a lame comic book name. What about the Revengers?"

"Thor and Bruce took that name." Sam muttered. "They have a super hot chick and Thor's geeky brother in their band. Since, you know, no one thought to ask either of them to join their side."

"Hey, you guys have a super hot chick too!" Scott offered, winking at Wanda. She gave him the finger.

"Don't you dare. I will squash you like an ant, man." Wanda growled, and he slunk into a chair. Before she could say anything else, her phone, which was sitting on the table, began to ring - that ringtone only meant one person. Bucky spoke up first.

"Wanda, your phone is ringing." He said, glancing at the screen. Sam looked too, and gave her a puzzled look.

"I thought you called your father 'Papa' instead of 'Daddy'?" He asked hesitantly. Wanda just grabbed her phone off of the table and hit the answer button, walking to the corner of the room.

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