Our Birdsong (Mature Content)

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{A/N: this fic is set before CA:CW... it was going to be a fun, innocent one, and yet it turned into the first mature fic I've written about ScarletVision. This fic is why the rating has changed. The changing density part is slightly inspired by the interviews that Paul Bettany has done, always adamantly claiming that Vision can change his density. Elizabeth Olsen is in on this now, if you watch their interviews for the IW press tour they talk about Vision's changing density whenever the topic comes up of their ability to do the do.}

    The Vision never sleeps, so he was always trying to learn new things, things that he did not understand and things that he desperately wished to understand. Biological Science was always something that fascinated him, especially when it came to animals. He was, of course, fascinated by the human psyche and the way that humans interacted with one another, but he found himself watching other animals interact, as well.

    There was no shortage of birds near the compound. It was surprising to see so many, since planes were always taking off and the team was always training outside, shooting beams of magic. Vision found himself tracking the individual flocks of birds and families of birds that resided in the forest by the compound, and he felt the need to share this knowledge with someone else.

    Most of the others went out on missions often, but the Vision and Wanda were the two that were home the most often. When, on one spring morning, the Vision noticed an egg in one of the bird's nests, he flew back to the compound, giddy and excited. When he arrived inside the compound, Wanda was sitting at the breakfast bar, eating a bowl of oatmeal and reading a book.

    "Wanda! One of the birds' nests that I watch has an egg in it!" He exclaimed happily, floating up to beside her. "What should I do?"

    "Let them be, Vis. Stress isn't good for bird eggs." She informed him, and he hung his head low in response. "It's also important to give them space when they first hatch, as they need to learn the song of their parents."

    "I've noticed that each pairing of birds has a different song. Why is that?" He inquired, sitting beside her at the bar. "Is it similar to the different languages that people speak on Earth?"

    "It's more like each little family has a dialect of its own, so they can call each other when they are lost or need direction." She explained. He nodded, making a mental note of the information.

    "Why do humans not adapt this for their families or teams?" He asked. "Though some military branches and hunters use bird calls for their purposes, so that they may find each other."

    "I'm not sure why it's not common practice. Some people can't make bird noises, though. It can be difficult to do." She got up from her seat and washed her bowl, watching Vision, who was watching her. "Clint knows a lot about birds and can make bird noises. If you want more information, he has it."

    "We should have a bird call." Vision said suddenly, watching her. She shrugged and picked up her book.

    "I don't know if the rest of the team can do bird calls." She paused, "My dad taught Pietro and I bird calls when we were growing up, so I know a few. But I'm not sure about the others."

    "What if just you and I had a special bird call?" He asked. She laughed a little, leaning against the wall of the kitchen. He floated out of his seat and approached her, and she looked down at her feet. "Bird couples do it."

    "Vis, we aren't..." She trailed off, glancing up at him. "We aren't a couple. We went on one date. You said it was an odd experience, kissed me on the cheek, and went to your room. That was three weeks ago."

    "I figured you didn't enjoy yourself you never explicitly said-"

    "It's not an explicit thing. I did enjoy myself, very much. I was distracted because it was the first time I saw you in your human disguise." She sighed, about to step away, but he pressed his hands to the wall beside her head, keeping her there.

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