Paralyzer (Mature Content)

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{A/N: this fic is inspired by the song Paralyzer by Finger Eleven. The chorus line "if your body matches what your eyes can do you'll probably move right through me on my way to you" made me think of Vision's eyes and how Wanda might feel about them and also his ability to phase through things and people. So I decided to place this before CA:CW, enjoy! Mature Content ahead! Also, TRIGGER WARNING - for rape and abuse mentions. Honestly, this was supposed to be a little happy smut fic but somehow it turned into something way more intense than I had intended. Also, okay, Wanda's mind sounds a bit like Deadpool because I've been reading Deadpool fic and I saw the new movie and yeah.}

These parties that Stark throws are ridiculous. Endless drinks available, people invited who aren't even on the team, and I'm obligated to stay for three hours. While the others mingle, drink, tell jokes, I sit on one of the couches by the stairs, twirling red between my fingers.

It's a good way to have a steady release of energy so I don't blow anything (or anyone) up.

I can hear Sam's booming voice as he boasts about the latest mission, and I roll my eyes, running a red-laced hand through my hair, holding it in place. After every mission, Stark insists on these parties, but I'd rather be working on this magic. Everyday uses. Not just for evil or malicious intent, not for heroic intent either... just a way to make life easier. Stirring the paprikash I make, washing my back in the shower with the loofah, locking the door to my room when I hear Sam's laugh echo throughout the hallways.

My eyes flick throughout the room, taking note of where my teammates are. Natasha has been teaching me surveillance skills, and I take a quick count of the bodies in the room. If I wanted to, I could cut through all of their minds and bodies with my magic. But I don't want to.

Lucky them.

My eyes land on the Vision, who is floating a few inches above the ground, immobile, near a corner. He hasn't spoken to anyone this evening, just nods. He is watching, just like I am. He's a strange guy. Thing. Whatever he is. His eyes meet mine from his spot across the room, but I drop my gaze instantly.

The image of his eyes looking right at me is burned into my brain. Those eyes, bright blue, glowing, arc-reactor like. He doesn't realize how addicting his eyes can be. How paralyzing they are. Eyes are windows into the soul, but he's an android... so what are his eyes a window into?

Ever since he saved me from the falling train car in Sokovia, I've been unable to speak to the red man. We train together sometimes, but whenever his eyes meet mine, I once again find myself unable to move, and he knocks me to the ground. He mumbles an apology and offers his hand, but I always turn him down and get up on my own, turning away from him and jogging off to get water or a shower.

I focus again on the red moving between my fingers when I clock the Vision moving through the crowd, careful to not bump into or phase through anyone. Without looking up, I know he is walking towards me. I rise slowly and head down the stairs I was sitting by, hoping that Stark doesn't notice my absence from the party.

When I arrive on the floor below, I walk towards the big windows and look out at the training grounds. Sometimes, I wonder if I truly belong here, or wonder if I should have died in Sokovia with my brother. Why did the Vision save me from the falling city? How did he even know where I was?

I know he's followed me when I feel him stop beside me, floating a few inches above the ground. He watches ahead of him, and we stand there in silence for a few moments. I've never actually spoken to him, what the fuck am I supposed to say to an android whose eyes are that addictive?

Those eyes I dream of.

Those eyes I sketch.

Those eyes that are now watching me very carefully.

A Hand to Hold // Scarlet Witch and Vision One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now