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{A/N: The inspiration for this one-shot comes from a recommendation from TremorDusk on Wattpad who figures the first time that Vis phases into Wanda's room is when she's changing.}

It was a tough mission. The first mission. Wanda didn't realize it could be so difficult. She was mainly supporting the others in whatever way she could, but she still felt like she had sloshed around in a pool of her own sweat. Of course, the other newbie, Vision, was flying around looking super heroic with that cape and that gemstone. Ugh. He probably couldn't even sweat.

When they arrived back at the tower, she trudged to her rooms and quickly got into the shower. It was a long shower. No matter how many times she shampooed her hair, it still felt greasy. She exfoliated her face, her whole body, wanting to be rid of any dirt and grime. Once she finally finished the shower, she wrapped up her hair in a towel and dried off, walking naked into her room.

She was digging through her dressers, trying to find her comfiest sweats, when she saw something out of the corner of her eyes. She spun around and saw the Vision phasing through the door, and she yelped in surprise.

"Vision! Get out!" She cried, arms covering her body. He stood in shock, seemingly taking her body in, and didn't move. "Why didn't you knock???" She asked, pulling her blanket off of the bed to cover her body.

"Knock?" He tilted his head, looking a bit childlike as he still took in her reaction. "Should I have? I didn't realize you were naked. I wanted to see if you would join me in a game of chess or would like to watch a film with me. Mr. Stark recommended-"

"Vision. I told you to get out." She muttered, and with a flick of her wrist and some magic, she opened the door, pushed Vision out, and closed the door again, leaving a wall of magic around the door so he couldn't fade back in. She knew he was still standing there, so she called to him, "We can play chess in a moment. Just let me get dressed."

"Yes, Miss Maximoff."

"Vision. You've seen me naked, you might as well call me Wanda," She responded through the door before dropping her blanket and changing quickly into sweats and a tank top. She let her hair out of the towel and combed through it quickly before exiting through the door, dissipating the magic. He was still floating there.

"Would you like to watch a film or play chess, Miss- Wanda?"

"I said we could play chess." She muttered, walking past him to the main living room. The chess set was there, set up and ready, and she sat on one of the couches, avoiding eye contact with the android. He sat opposite her, watching her carefully.

"You may go first, Wanda." He offered, watching as she pulled her legs under herself. She shook her head.

"White goes first, Vision. You've got the tan pieces, which in this case, are the whiter ones." She informed him. "Regardless of if you're trying to be nice or chivalrous, those are the rules of chess."

"I'm sorry, Wanda." He lowered his gaze to the chess board and pondered his first move, sliding one of the pawns up two places. Wanda moved one of her pawns, and the game went on like this. Wanda could read his mind and anticipate his next moves, and he could foresee any potential moves with his quick analytical skills. The game went on for hours, with the other members of the team walking by and shaking their heads. Wanda taunted Vision, trying to make him lose focus, but in the end he won, his literal computer-ness outdoing her mind reading skills.

"Alright, you two, what's going on?" Bruce muttered, standing by them. "There's a lot of tension flowing here."

"Vision phased in while I was changing." Wanda tattled, crossing her arms.

"Nice," Tony whooped from behind Bruce, and Wanda glared at him with red eyes. "Eek!" He ran off before she could inflict pain on him, emotional or otherwise.

"I didn't realize you were changi-"

"That's why you knock, Vision! Knocking! It's not that hard!" Wanda stood up, voice raising. "It's rude, and you saw something you shouldn't have. Stay away from me." She stomped off in a huff, leaving Vision gaping. Bruce tried to look like he wasn't paying attention.

"I just wanted to spend some time with her, Dr. Banner. I do not understand why she is so upset with me..." Vision leaned back in the chair. "How can I rectify the situation?"

"Give her some space for now. But definitely apologize soon, and ask her for help if you need it. She's not used to being around a lot of people, the only person she was with for a long time was her brother, and the people at HYDRA. She doesn't know how to make new friends, probably." Bruce explained. "Do you... feel something for her?"

"I'm not sure what you mean, Dr. Banner." Vision responded. "I am an android, I cannot feel things, can I?"

"Well, that's not for sure. You're something that the world has never seen. No one can say what you can or cannot do - you probably are very capable of emotion." Bruce explained. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Look... just, don't rule anything out."

"Thank you, Dr. Banner. It's good to have you back..." Vision smiled, and Bruce hung his head low in shame. He felt bad that the Hulk had tried to escape after Sokovia, but when he finally came back to himself he needed to return. He got lost in thought as the Vision rose and walked towards his quarters. When he opened the door he was shocked to see Wanda sitting on his bed.

"You know, if you wanted to see me naked, you could have just asked." She muttered. He looked at her in confusion. "But I suppose that makes us even now, since you were naked when you were created, and I was there."

"I don't understand-"

He was interrupted by her walking up to him, and reaching behind him to close and lock the door. Her eyes met his, and he felt electricity run beneath his skin as she brought a hand up to his face. Her skin was soft and she was gentle as her thumb brushed his cheek.

"If you want to see me naked again, you'll have to take me on a date first. Or do you think we should just start with the naked stuff?" Wanda mused, brushing her thumb against his lips.

"I-I-I don't... understand."

"You're so infuriating, you know that?" She grumbled, stepping away from the android. "I'm flirting with you. I want to go on a date and perhaps have sex with you and be with you - as in boyfriend, girlfriend. Got it?"

"I thought you were mad at me, Miss--- Wanda." Vision offered, his eyes focused on her.

"I was. But I think my anger was just masking the fact that I want you." She gave him a sultry look, and he gulped. "Do you want me?"

"I-I-I suppose that I do, Wanda." He responded, looking down. She walked up to him and took his chin in her hand.

"You can't suppose these things, Vis. Do you want me or not?" She asked, pulling him up to look at her. He nodded only once, and she pressed her lips against his. His body instantly reacted and he leaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her torso. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening their kiss.

"I... do want you, Wanda..." He breathed, pressing his forehead against hers. "I will take you on a date tonight." She smiled and kissed him again, pulling him towards the bed. "Wanda, I think our date should come first..."

"Well, alright." She kissed his cheek and started to walk out of the room. "I'll be ready at 7."

{whaaat? two updates in one day??? after weeks of none? Welp, I'll be hopefully posting more soon, but feel free to leave recommendations!}

A Hand to Hold // Scarlet Witch and Vision One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now